Need these Yesterday eps to be longer man
been my anime of the season so far but the fact Tower of God, Kaguya, Kakushigoto, and fruits basket hittin as hard as they are rn make this one of my fav seasons in a long time
been my anime of the season so far but the fact Tower of God, Kaguya, Kakushigoto, and fruits basket hittin as hard as they are rn make this one of my fav seasons in a long time
Its my fav this season too man, its just very real and the way I be relating to some of the things the characters going through too crazy too me
guys been watching FMA Brotherhood
need more animes to watch what u guys recommend?
What’s with r/anime’s obsession with Kaguya? I watched the first season and s*** was mid af
never thought i would say this but i miss naruto so much lol
Going to try and get my roommate to watch it with me. Should I have him skip the filler episodes? I remember enjoying a lot of them, but I also remember the show really dragging before Shippuden started
Going to try and get my roommate to watch it with me. Should I have him skip the filler episodes? I remember enjoying a lot of them, but I also remember the show really dragging before Shippuden started
i mean i used to get mad when naruto hit fillers but some filler episodes are nice like u said
guys been watching FMA Brotherhood
need more animes to watch what u guys recommend?
You’ve seen a lot or no?
May 20th hope it doesn’t get pushed back tho
still regret watching all eps in one sitting
What’s with r/anime’s obsession with Kaguya? I watched the first season and s*** was mid af
It's not really an /r/anime specific thing: it was the 9th highest selling manga in Japan last year. A lot of people on /r/anime have read the manga so they're gonna be hyped no matter what cause they know the good parts are coming up.
You’ve seen a lot or no?
not at all just some like death note naruto dbz and some more
What’s with r/anime’s obsession with Kaguya? I watched the first season and s*** was mid af
kaguya's cool i enjoyed it
havent started season 2
What’s with r/anime’s obsession with Kaguya? I watched the first season and s*** was mid af
It’s hilarious, charming, clever, well animated
been my anime of the season so far but the fact Tower of God, Kaguya, Kakushigoto, and fruits basket hittin as hard as they are rn make this one of my fav seasons in a long time
I’m watching fruits basket szn 1 rn and
You’ve seen a lot or no?
That show you recommended me love is hard for an otaku is coming up on my list after Monster and Fruits Basket
not at all just some like death note naruto dbz and some more
Attack on Titan
Gurren Lagan
Demon Slayer maybe
One Punch Man
Mob Psycho 100
There’s some shows in OP also
That show you recommended me love is hard for an otaku is coming up on my list after Monster and Fruits Basket
Lmk when u start
the entire staff behind the kaguya anime is so good at what they do