At the time it was just a bunch of wrong explanations and interpretations that were glaring for manga readers and confusing for anime onlies.
The same with Kaguya Sama.
Only used it when watching with friends so I wasn't using it a lot in general but it was just annoying when you compare it to how much effort fansubs used to go through.
Do you speak Japanese? Or are you just comparing it to the manga translation? I am just curious, because it's been awhile since I watched it, and I don't remember much being too out of place (but I also hadn't read the manga before I watched), so I can only speak on how I felt what was being subtitled matched up to what was being spoken in Japanese.
Do you speak Japanese? Or are you just comparing it to the manga translation? I am just curious, because it's been awhile since I watched it, and I don't remember much being too out of place (but I also hadn't read the manga before I watched), so I can only speak on how I felt what was being subtitled matched up to what was being spoken in Japanese.
Can't speak Japanese.
But it's an issue that was well known in the jjk community at the time so you don't have to just take my word for it.
And when it comes to Kaguya sama, the use of honorifics play into the plot several times yet the subs don't account for it, fansubbers ofcourse take extra effort with this.
Not trying to completely s*** on whoever does cr subs because you can't be passionate about every subjob you take on but the difference in effort is just a bit too much at times.
Can't speak Japanese.
But it's an issue that was well known in the jjk community at the time so you don't have to just take my word for it.
And when it comes to Kaguya sama, the use of honorifics play into the plot several times yet the subs don't account for it, fansubbers ofcourse take extra effort with this.
Not trying to completely s*** on whoever does cr subs because you can't be passionate about every subjob you take on but the difference in effort is just a bit too much at times.
I won't comment on Kaguya-sama because I haven't watched it haha I'll just take your word for it.
I'll do some googling and look into it myself, I was just curious where your POV came from. I personally didn't think it was that bad, but I'll look into it. Part of what may cause this disparity, however, is that shows like Kaguya-sama and JJK are simulcasts, and thus the subbers are on a pretty strict time crunch when subbing the episodes.
edit: just did some googling and apparently this s*** was just laughably bad with contradictions to what was actually being said/said in the manga lmfao, i'll have to rewatch it. I usually only have the subs on for my boys so I don't pay too much attention to it, but even from what appeared on the first google search this is pretty bad lol
I won't comment on Kaguya-sama because I haven't watched it haha I'll just take your word for it.
I'll do some googling and look into it myself, I was just curious where your POV came from. I personally didn't think it was that bad, but I'll look into it. Part of what may cause this disparity, however, is that shows like Kaguya-sama and JJK are simulcasts, and thus the subbers are on a pretty strict time crunch when subbing the episodes.
edit: just did some googling and apparently this s*** was just laughably bad with contradictions to what was actually being said/said in the manga lmfao, i'll have to rewatch it. I usually only have the subs on for my boys so I don't pay too much attention to it, but even from what appeared on the first google search this is pretty bad lol
Yeah, glad we could clear it up.
The timelimit they are on is for sure a big factor, don't know if they alter subs retrospectively.
Dope that you speak Japanese btw, will keep that in mind.
all this kaguya sama talk
Might have to start this s*** tonite
and I’m gonna watch it w crunchy roll subs I don’t give a f***
all this kaguya sama talk
Might have to start this s*** tonite
Go for it, seems like sonething right up your alley
and I’m gonna watch it w crunchy roll subs I don’t give a f***
Are the Hulu subs better? I think I saw it on hulu
Are the Hulu subs better? I think I saw it on hulu
They probably use the same subs as cr, wouldn't worry too much about it right now which you choose.
all this kaguya sama talk
Might have to start this s*** tonite
My b lets go im four episodes in its great
My b lets go im four episodes in its great
gonna start in like 2 hours after I get some food
god this franchise is so cursed
Its probably already been discussed itt but f*** crunchyroll b**** ass for censoring Tokyo revengers for something not deserving censorship
What did they not show???
Can't speak Japanese.
But it's an issue that was well known in the jjk community at the time so you don't have to just take my word for it.
And when it comes to Kaguya sama, the use of honorifics play into the plot several times yet the subs don't account for it, fansubbers ofcourse take extra effort with this.
Not trying to completely s*** on whoever does cr subs because you can't be passionate about every subjob you take on but the difference in effort is just a bit too much at times.
Can u say what was different that I should jnoe
Can u say what was different that I should jnoe
This is a good start to look at.
Yeah, glad we could clear it up.
The timelimit they are on is for sure a big factor, don't know if they alter subs retrospectively.
Dope that you speak Japanese btw, will keep that in mind.
yeah like even with the time limit this kind of s*** isn't justifiable though i didnt think it was as bad as you said but looking at it it's pretty wack
This is a good start to look at.
Thanks fam
Rewatching HxH. I wish the crew stayed together, I love their dynamic in the beginning.
they didnt get it from the nazis
that's a buddhist symbol that the nazis stole and twisted
neji from naruto had that same symbol as a chakra seal as you can see below
I love seeing anime get more attention worldwide but unfortunately you get toxicity and toxic people along with it too just like any other thing in society
Whitebeard in One Piece also originally had that symbol as a part of his jollyroger that was later changed to avoid nazi similarities.
So the new MHA episode is boring again, and it inspired me to do a little rant:
Any shounen that does this, I don't care about characters narrating the battle, I want to watch them fight and see for myself.
This is something that a lot of shounen anime do to stretch time and pad out the episode, I do not like it and any anime that doesn't do this is always a pleasant surprise.
In MHA it's especially bad because there's not much to explain in these very simple battles. It's not like HxH where, while it is annoying that they explain so much, sometimes it's a complicated thing that should be explained.
This whole arc is garbage. One of the worst arcs, was trash and boring in the manga too.