This obviously wasn't a shooting done for attention, it was a disgruntled former employee. Kind of an assumption but I'm going to say this one happened because of internal issues with the company. Not 'for attention'. There's a big difference between a teenager shooting up a school filled with children over an fully grown adult employee who was suicidal and angry at his colleagues. Do you realize the term 'going postal' is a thing?
i think it's quite strange how we use the term "mass shooting". we've got this checklist for what qualifies as one, and it's very straightforward. Did multiple people get shot and killed? did it happen in one location? if both are a yes, then we call it a mass shooting.
but the problem is that this checklist doesn't fully match the meaning of the word. "mass shooting" basically implies that whatever happened is similar to columbine. Basically, we get this mental picture of crazy people shooting a large amount of people they don't really know purely out of a twisted desire to kill. Yes, I know that's not contained explicitly in the words "mass shooting", but it's 100% the subtext u get when u say those words.
In reality, a lot of incidents that get the "mass shooting" label don't actually align with that subtext. maybe it's gang related, like a drive by with multiple kills. maybe it's some serious personal beef that escalated and everyone who got shot was involved. You could think of a dozen other examples if u wanted to.
This is what's weird about that to me. crimes like that have been happening since forever. people get mad and they shoot each other, and sometimes there's multiple deaths. Yes, it's awful, but for a very long time we just called that "gun violence". then columbine happens, and a chunk of this "gun violence" starts to get reclassified as "mass shooting". Yes, mass shootings in the full sense of that word, I mean columbine style things, are increasing in frequency, but it's still not very common at all. However, after our reclassification, the numbers show this huge out of control epidemic of mass shootings.
At the end of the day, I've written way too much about this. I honestly just enjoy conjecturing about s*** like this for the sake of it. My point is only that it's kinda interesting how this situation turns an incident like this one in op into a "schrodingers mass shooting". Depending on how we look at it, this is either just another statistic in the age old gun violence column, or evidence of the spread of a dangerous social epidemic unique to our times
Damn the US has created a hostage situation for itself (for absolutely no reason btw)
Would be interesting to see a comparison of gun homicide rates by state before vs after enacting common sense gun reform laws.
Point being, most of the states that aren’t “gun friendly” likely had low homicide rates to begin with.
Ever heard of the state of Illinois?
Show me the stats, I'll wait, cause I already know where it falls 🤭
i think it's quite strange how we use the term "mass shooting". we've got this checklist for what qualifies as one, and it's very straightforward. Did multiple people get shot and killed? did it happen in one location? if both are a yes, then we call it a mass shooting.
but the problem is that this checklist doesn't fully match the meaning of the word. "mass shooting" basically implies that whatever happened is similar to columbine. Basically, we get this mental picture of crazy people shooting a large amount of people they don't really know purely out of a twisted desire to kill. Yes, I know that's not contained explicitly in the words "mass shooting", but it's 100% the subtext u get when u say those words.
In reality, a lot of incidents that get the "mass shooting" label don't actually align with that subtext. maybe it's gang related, like a drive by with multiple kills. maybe it's some serious personal beef that escalated and everyone who got shot was involved. You could think of a dozen other examples if u wanted to.
This is what's weird about that to me. crimes like that have been happening since forever. people get mad and they shoot each other, and sometimes there's multiple deaths. Yes, it's awful, but for a very long time we just called that "gun violence". then columbine happens, and a chunk of this "gun violence" starts to get reclassified as "mass shooting". Yes, mass shootings in the full sense of that word, I mean columbine style things, are increasing in frequency, but it's still not very common at all. However, after our reclassification, the numbers show this huge out of control epidemic of mass shootings.
At the end of the day, I've written way too much about this. I honestly just enjoy conjecturing about s*** like this for the sake of it. My point is only that it's kinda interesting how this situation turns an incident like this one in op into a "schrodingers mass shooting". Depending on how we look at it, this is either just another statistic in the age old gun violence column, or evidence of the spread of a dangerous social epidemic unique to our times
in short, I'm saying the way we use the word "mass shooting" can foster the illusion that this is a completely brand new problem disconnected from the past, one that is so new and so prevalent that we'd never be able to think of a solution.
let me tell you, really the root of it all is just guns. Regulate that s*** and gun violence will decrease. But the people in power would love to tell you that it's really not that simple, that the answer is primarily social or something, or that we've still got to figure out what to do.
in short, I'm saying the way we use the word "mass shooting" can foster the illusion that this is a completely brand new problem disconnected from the past, one that is so new and so prevalent that we'd never be able to think of a solution.
let me tell you, really the root of it all is just guns. Regulate that s*** and gun violence will decrease. But the people in power would love to tell you that it's really not that simple, that the answer is primarily social or something, or that we've still got to figure out what to do.
The problem with this line of thinking is that gun culture isn’t new in this country, yet this extreme rate of mass shootings is (relatively) new. So what then? That’s the part no one wants to acknowledge. We’ve devolved to not be able to handle gun ownership anymore, is what this tells me.
The problem with this line of thinking is that gun culture isn’t new in this country, yet this extreme rate of mass shootings is (relatively) new. So what then? That’s the part no one wants to acknowledge. We’ve devolved to not be able to handle gun ownership anymore, is what this tells me.
bruv. i suggest you read the long ass post i wrote.
my whole point is that, sure, we see this worrying uptick in the number of "mass shootings", but many of those data points are not part of a new problem, but are just gun violence incidents that have been reclassified.
your reasoning is exactly what those in power want u to think. that's what they're trying to do by using the word "mass shooting" how they do.
it's not that we handled gun ownership better in the past, it's just that we use different words to talk about gun crimes now. having so many guns in one country was always dangerous, and it's still dangerous. but acknowledging that makes it much harder to keep gun control laws at bay. instead, they want u to stay busy trying to figure out alternative solutions.
It's true that young people not voting is the biggest reason this country is being held back from any solutions. The people in charge right now are 70+ on average, they're puppets being paid to by the NRA. Don't believe me? Here's the facts:
bruv. i suggest you read the long ass post i wrote.
my whole point is that, sure, we see this worrying uptick in the number of "mass shootings", but many of those data points are not part of a new problem, but are just gun violence incidents that have been reclassified.
your reasoning is exactly what those in power want u to think. that's what they're trying to do by using the word "mass shooting" how they do.
it's not that we handled gun ownership better in the past, it's just that we use different words to talk about gun crimes now. having so many guns in one country was always dangerous, and it's still dangerous. but acknowledging that makes it much harder to keep gun control laws at bay. instead, they want u to stay busy trying to figure out alternative solutions.
I read your post, but you haven’t provided anything to back up your claim that the uptick is merely a result of reclassifications.
i think it's quite strange how we use the term "mass shooting". we've got this checklist for what qualifies as one, and it's very straightforward. Did multiple people get shot and killed? did it happen in one location? if both are a yes, then we call it a mass shooting.
but the problem is that this checklist doesn't fully match the meaning of the word. "mass shooting" basically implies that whatever happened is similar to columbine. Basically, we get this mental picture of crazy people shooting a large amount of people they don't really know purely out of a twisted desire to kill. Yes, I know that's not contained explicitly in the words "mass shooting", but it's 100% the subtext u get when u say those words.
In reality, a lot of incidents that get the "mass shooting" label don't actually align with that subtext. maybe it's gang related, like a drive by with multiple kills. maybe it's some serious personal beef that escalated and everyone who got shot was involved. You could think of a dozen other examples if u wanted to.
This is what's weird about that to me. crimes like that have been happening since forever. people get mad and they shoot each other, and sometimes there's multiple deaths. Yes, it's awful, but for a very long time we just called that "gun violence". then columbine happens, and a chunk of this "gun violence" starts to get reclassified as "mass shooting". Yes, mass shootings in the full sense of that word, I mean columbine style things, are increasing in frequency, but it's still not very common at all. However, after our reclassification, the numbers show this huge out of control epidemic of mass shootings.
At the end of the day, I've written way too much about this. I honestly just enjoy conjecturing about s*** like this for the sake of it. My point is only that it's kinda interesting how this situation turns an incident like this one in op into a "schrodingers mass shooting". Depending on how we look at it, this is either just another statistic in the age old gun violence column, or evidence of the spread of a dangerous social epidemic unique to our times
See; actually I can get behind this. I've always considered the definition of 'mass shooting' to be a random incident where the perpetrator has no ties to the location or reasoning behind choosing where they attack with their actions. For example; what we saw today - although there were mass casualties (RIP) this wasn't an unmotivated attack. This incident is premeditated murder. Since it was a suicidal disgruntled employee who most likely planned this out with specific victims in mind (might need more context on it though).
Opposed to an incident like Sandy Hook or Uvalde, where these mentally ill teenagers with no reasoning behind why: just randomly decided to shoot up a school and kill kids and teachers.
Basically; one is premeditated murder (1st degree), and the other one is domestic terrorism (where there is usually political, insanity, or religious extremism behind it). Not saying we should treat them in any different way, but there is a distinction that the media outlets should be reporting on.
The problem with this line of thinking is that gun culture isn’t new in this country, yet this extreme rate of mass shootings is (relatively) new. So what then? That’s the part no one wants to acknowledge. We’ve devolved to not be able to handle gun ownership anymore, is what this tells me.
Didnt US homicide rate peak in 91?
y’all act like any political party gives a f*** about you or saving innocent lives
Voting isn’t the hill you wanna die on
are you gathering the troops to start the war then? that's the only other legitimate option
This is bizarre, almost feels like a ploy to invoke a 'war' between poltiical parties.
Mfers so annoying thinking any type of common sense gun reform is completely the same as confiscation of everyone's guns
anarchist ass leftist smooth brains think the same s*** too
are you gathering the troops to start the war then? that's the only other legitimate option
Mr Lockheed Martin himself ! How great of you to show up
I read your post, but you haven’t provided anything to back up your claim that the uptick is merely a result of reclassifications.
i'm not saying it's "merely" a result of reclassifications.
I think it's fair to assume that "mass shootings" in the full sense of the word, on some columbine s***, are a real issue and are more common now than they were say 50 years ago, but "more common" makes it sound like they're not still extremely rare.
I'm not saying anything's completely fabricated here, just that it's getting misrepresented
This is bizarre, almost feels like a ploy to invoke a 'war' between poltiical parties.
Literally brain rot
Didnt US homicide rate peak in 91?
Again, the homicide vs mass shooting conversation, and how these have been classified over the years, is a great aspect to dig into, and I’m happy to do that. Although it is inherently scarier and I suppose more evil when the violent acts are ostensibly random, albeit premeditated, often the victims are random. These types of shootings are certainly on the rise, no?
Literally brain rot
Personally this is more motivation to discontinue the usage of social media. It's extremely scary how many older (AND younger) people are being brainwashed by these big tech companies who have refused to take moderating their platforms seriously.