  • Feb 15

    speak on it


    Stupid thing to say for them because Drake got So Far Gone, Take Care, NWTS and VIEWS to his name.

    Dudes quality obviously declined but to deny what he had done is ignorant.

    He had that to his name yet that type of fan still wrote him off and only praised IYRT because it was the most rap focused

  • Imagine drake changed the trajectory of his career because fantano gave iyrtitl the high score

  • Feb 15
    2 replies

    same, i honestly don't really watch him as much anymore because the cringe just keeps getting worse as a critic he's ok but idc about critics to begin with so idk.

    Fantano is definitely corny and has pretty bad taste in rap music overall but he hasn’t done anything that makes me not respect him as a man

    He actually seems very morally grounded and stands on his morals whether I agree or not. Also doesn’t promote anything negative to his audience and advocates for s*** he cares about with his platform. I would never spend my time s***ting on him when we have clown niggas who promote racism openly, beat women, have rape allegations, pedal p*** and gambling (im not anti p*** but it does get extreme sometimes with the promotion of it) etc , bigger fish to fry imo

  • Feb 15

    kill me but 2015 fantano was actually pretty good lol. in fact, i disagree with @op and would say his review was one of his best. along with tpab review, s*** practically spawned his image with the yellow flannel. yeah it sucks he's got a lot of dumb parrots who mimic his opinions, but it is what it is when you reach that level of notoriety

    you also need to remember the hype for Views From the 6. people bought into that s***!

  • Feb 15

    I don’t get it

  • Feb 15
    1 reply
    Free YoungBoy

    It became the default album for his kind of listener to point to and say this is the only good Drake album. Basically the Drake haters favorite Drake album.

    I mean it is his last great album. He peaked on IYRTITL. He has not grown since as a lyricist or as an artist. These are the facts.

  • BTW. I like NWTS more

  • Feb 15
    1 reply
    Free YoungBoy

    It became the default album for his kind of listener to point to and say this is the only good Drake album. Basically the Drake haters favorite Drake album.

    Ive seen very little ppl call it Drake’s best albums. I have seen some fans of traditional RAP rap call it his best; which is a fair take if youre looking for a pure motly rap album

  • Feb 15
    mr get dough

    Fantano is definitely corny and has pretty bad taste in rap music overall but he hasn’t done anything that makes me not respect him as a man

    He actually seems very morally grounded and stands on his morals whether I agree or not. Also doesn’t promote anything negative to his audience and advocates for s*** he cares about with his platform. I would never spend my time s***ting on him when we have clown niggas who promote racism openly, beat women, have rape allegations, pedal p*** and gambling (im not anti p*** but it does get extreme sometimes with the promotion of it) etc , bigger fish to fry imo

    u aint wrong

  • Feb 15
    1 reply

    I mean it is his last great album. He peaked on IYRTITL. He has not grown since as a lyricist or as an artist. These are the facts.

    I rate CLB over it tbh

  • Free YoungBoy

    I rate CLB over it tbh

    That’s actually crazy.

  • Feb 15
    1 reply

    Ive seen very little ppl call it Drake’s best albums. I have seen some fans of traditional RAP rap call it his best; which is a fair take if youre looking for a pure motly rap album

    I feel you but it’s definitely something I’ve picked up on. Not so much now but definitely back in the day

  • mr get dough

    Fantano is definitely corny and has pretty bad taste in rap music overall but he hasn’t done anything that makes me not respect him as a man

    He actually seems very morally grounded and stands on his morals whether I agree or not. Also doesn’t promote anything negative to his audience and advocates for s*** he cares about with his platform. I would never spend my time s***ting on him when we have clown niggas who promote racism openly, beat women, have rape allegations, pedal p*** and gambling (im not anti p*** but it does get extreme sometimes with the promotion of it) etc , bigger fish to fry imo

    drake fans would watch xqc do album reviews before watching fantano

  • i get what op means but that score is spot on

  • Fantano lack of d***riding Drake is cancelled out by Ak and Los Pollos

  • Feb 15

    Thano can u do sum fo me

  • Free YoungBoy

    I feel you but it’s definitely something I’ve picked up on. Not so much now but definitely back in the day

    Idk what the talk around it is now. But i remember Hip-Hop heads loving it. Im talking the Barber Shop Old head types, who called Drake soft and “girl music” back when he was new.

    I remember those types being like “ooooh s***, this one hard”. Felt similar to when dude’s started saying “justin bieber is actually ight” when Journals released.

    Seeing a lot of ppl saying the music nerd Fantano fans say its the best too itt. But i guess i never stumbled across these ppl

  • Feb 15

    You guys give this cracker too much real estate

  • Nort 💫
    Feb 15

    who cares lol

  • Kojimbo

    Everyone praising TLOP is the reason Kanye now releases unfinished garbage


  • Free YoungBoy

    It became the default album for his kind of listener to point to and say this is the only good Drake album. Basically the Drake haters favorite Drake album.

    insane mental gymnastics going on here but go for it

  • Feb 15

    Everyone praising TLOP is the reason Kanye now releases unfinished garbage


  • scoop

    what kind of low effort ass thread is this?

    what am i supposed to do with this?

    Threads like this, every day new threads about people tweeting about Drake, same arguments about the beef in every thread, low quality threads to start stan wars etc

    This site fell off a cliff in the past year and so did the mental state of a lot of users lol

  • Feb 15

    Y’all sure do consider fantano a powerhouse