In the second video 0:44
"You a Biden p****"
do they not know where they live?
only thing that’s dumber than these niggas is giving attention to them, stop posting s*** like this lol
There's an alternate universe where people are running around with their d***s out claiming underwear is oppression
There's an alternate universe where people are running around with their d***s out claiming underwear is oppression
They wouldn’t be wrong
That fat b**** woulda got dropped same with dude comparing trump supporters to black folks in the 40s
Good thing is they ain’t got the energy to do this more than once a week. Most of those goblins are spent and out of breath.
Also lol at the black dude without the mask just tryna buy s*** and obviously not with the group
Death penalty for every single one of them. No trial necessary. If you’re in the video without a mask you should be put down.
Brain dead scum.
White people kill me man...I don’t understand why some white people want to be oppressed so badly.
White people kill me man...I don’t understand why some white people want to be oppressed so badly.
Plenty of maskless minorities in the video caught in 4K
Don’t make it a race thing. Make it a common sense vs brain dead thing.
The irony of people claiming to love their country but then continue to act selfishly is just completely lost on these people. Once again I’m ashamed to be an American