  • Jan 5, 2021

    Those Trump supporters want to be oppressed so bad

    its asinine that they don't see the irony in them harassing people for wearing masks and being "harassed" for their own views

  • Jan 5, 2021
    2 replies

    I understand not wanting to wear the mask cause this s*** annoying but any store should still have the right to refuse service. It's the same as the s*** with nudists and s*** except this is more dangerous. You're not entitled to be able to go to someone's place and not follow their rules

  • Jan 5, 2021

    "Trump supporters are oppressed in America today."
    not even worth the time

    They opress themselves

  • Jan 5, 2021


  • Jan 5, 2021

    I understand not wanting to wear the mask cause this s*** annoying but any store should still have the right to refuse service. It's the same as the s*** with nudists and s*** except this is more dangerous. You're not entitled to be able to go to someone's place and not follow their rules


    id literally kill that fat f*** with the pink headband

    you wouldnt kill a fly shut up

  • Jan 5, 2021

    Who’s the girl in the flannel tho

  • Jan 5, 2021

    Anti-maskers being an actual thing is hilarious

    Like just wear ur damn mask bro no ones tryna see ur uglyass face anyways

  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Death penalty for every single one of them. No trial necessary. If you’re in the video without a mask you should be put down.

    Brain dead scum.

    You need mental help bruh

  • Jan 5, 2021
    Not Like Josuke

    Bro that fat b**** in the second video got me CRYING

    Her big ass need to mask up before the Rona in her immune system type

  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply
    math fifty

    You need mental help bruh

    I would’ve saved this planet in a month flat.

    The people who are STILL anti mask are the ones who need mental help.

  • Jan 5, 2021

    I would’ve saved this planet in a month flat.

    The people who are STILL anti mask are the ones who need mental help.

    You do realize that if it aint the KN95 grade the mask dont really do s*** lmao

    Fauci himself said so

    Most ppl aint wearing the KN95

  • Jan 5, 2021

    There's an alternate universe where people are running around with their d***s out claiming underwear is oppression

  • Tubig 🌊
    Jan 5, 2021

    Holy s***!

  • Jan 5, 2021

    I understand not wanting to wear the mask cause this s*** annoying but any store should still have the right to refuse service. It's the same as the s*** with nudists and s*** except this is more dangerous. You're not entitled to be able to go to someone's place and not follow their rules

    And their whole argument for not wearing masks is freedom of choice.. well businesses have the freedom of choice to refuse your business. It’s really an irrational viewpoint

  • What the hell has happened to la? 😳L.a. should be drop kicking these people. Being docile isn’t going to work. You got to start drop kicking. 😒

  • Jan 6, 2021

    Y’all see the video of anti mask protestors marching in a Ross

  • Jan 6, 2021
    1 reply

    This whole thread is wild, some of these people sound unhinged

    this one is just pure comedy

    is there any fixing this?

    This feels like such a weird dystopia with all these people walking around recording with their phones in hand

  • Jan 6, 2021

    This feels like such a weird dystopia with all these people walking around recording with their phones in hand

    I felt the same way tbh

    its like everyone is so desperate to get video evidence of them being mistreated that they can throw online and fuel more of this. that or they use it to 'protect' themselves. just weird behaviour all around

  • Jan 6, 2021

    I used to go to this Ralph's too didn't know there were so many dipshits so close by

  • Jan 6, 2021

    niggas cant seem to behave
    thats why this country gon' cave
    niggas dont know how to act
    in public where the f*** are your masks