  • Nov 25, 2023

    yes and no

    with my dad’s side of the family, get-togethers were always awkward for me growing up bc my dad has barely been a part of my life. as a result, i rarely ever saw that side of the family during my teen years. i saw them maybe once a year so i always felt like an outsider when we would get together. i don’t speak to any of them now

    with my mom’s side, it was awkward when i was a teenager bc i had no one else in my age group. it was all adults and my little cousins who were mad young. but now everybody’s practically grown so family get togethers are nice now. the only downside is my family is MAD nosey and always telling each other’s business which is draining. but for the most part, it’s not bad

    i don’t spend holidays w them tho, i prefer to work and get that double pay. but i called them yesterday while i was working and it was cool

  • Nov 25, 2023
    1 reply
    slime wrld

    i have no close bonds with parents or really any family anymore just my friends, mainly cause friends are the only ones who “get it” in todays world

    it’s not too awkward with fam but ive always been independent doing my own thing away from family involvement and i think they just glad i’m responsible with myself

    i feel this

    i wanna do a friendsgiving one day but my friends are all spread out and dk each other like that

  • Nov 25, 2023

    He's a good guy. Feel awful for him but why was I the only one entrusted with this knowledge lmao

    real ass dude

    next time you see him, tell him your aunt/cousin/whoever don’t deserve him and he will upgrade eventually

  • Nov 25, 2023

    Its more that i know they will judge me and share their opinion which i didnt ask for and feels totally invalidating

    i can relate. that’s why i don’t say s***, just redirect the topic back at them lmao

  • Nov 25, 2023
    Warren Peace

    i feel this

    i wanna do a friendsgiving one day but my friends are all spread out and dk each other like that

    yeah and i get you on the post above, once you get old enough and realize you formed a whole world view without needed much of your extended family around you don’t really have any obligation to them lol, and yeah i think sometime down the line a friendsgiving will happen life is just really busy for a lot of people