  • May 11, 2024

    any ktt fam down to talk?

    Not me but I hope things improve

  • May 11, 2024
    1 reply

    The fact you realize you need to stop is already huge. Just do that. Occupy yourself with other things as much as you can.

    I'm the same way with my vices. Cut it down to the weekends only, then cut it off completely.

    After a few days, you realize it ain't s***. Just keep it pushin.

  • May 11, 2024
    Pusha P

    The fact you realize you need to stop is already huge. Just do that. Occupy yourself with other things as much as you can.

    I'm the same way with my vices. Cut it down to the weekends only, then cut it off completely.

    After a few days, you realize it ain't s***. Just keep it pushin.

    yea facts.

    tbh, despite using here and there, I am getting better mentally I think. Being honestly with my family/partner/bosses about my usage/quit using at work is a huge step.

    denial is a mf/it's crazy being hyper-self conscious about recovery when lit, but I'm working on it and still fighting.

    i came here the other night for validation it will be ok without showing myself grace and giving that affirmation to myself.

  • May 11, 2024
    kenni nixon

    care to elaborate?

    I understand what you mean on the surface level, yet ironically getting lit my heart yearns for God more

    (tho idk, if i can do lines every 30 minutes, i can set time aside to pray 5x a day)

    Here you go brother. Once you stop to ease with withdrawals follow the Prophet's (PBUH) protocol according to Sahih Hadith

    Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 644:
    Narrated 'Aisha:

    Whenever Allah's Apostle went to bed, he used to recite Surat-al-Ikhlas, Surat-al-Falaq and Surat-an-Nas and then blow on his palms and pass them over his face and those parts of his body that his hands could reach. And when he fell ill, he used to order me to do like that for him.

  • Czy ⚔️
    May 11, 2024
    1 reply
    kenni nixon

    care to elaborate?

    I understand what you mean on the surface level, yet ironically getting lit my heart yearns for God more

    (tho idk, if i can do lines every 30 minutes, i can set time aside to pray 5x a day)

    You have to ask yourself who God is to you, since you say when you are drunk/high off d**** that “God” is somehow closer to you that is the feeling that “God” will give you.

    The devil comes in many forms, your vice of choice is what is holding you back, hence why I said you can’t juggle between serving two masters you need to decide where your heart lies.

    I always say people in between will always have it worse since they are so conflicted, they may not even know it yet but eventually you have to decide who you pledge your allegiance to, just can’t have it both ways or your life will be constant shambles

  • May 11, 2024
    1 reply

    How old are u op? I was in a place similar (I loved d****). But one day they'll catch up to you, you'll look back and feel regret for not cherishing your life a little more. It's my biggest regret, was drowning myself in d**** that gave me temp relief

  • May 11, 2024
    benzo belly

    How old are u op? I was in a place similar (I loved d****). But one day they'll catch up to you, you'll look back and feel regret for not cherishing your life a little more. It's my biggest regret, was drowning myself in d**** that gave me temp relief


    ironically, before my relapse i wanted to fast forward thru life for a lil

    and yk, d**** did that

    but now im in a place where idk

    more problems.missing out on my blessings

  • May 11, 2024

    You have to ask yourself who God is to you, since you say when you are drunk/high off d**** that “God” is somehow closer to you that is the feeling that “God” will give you.

    The devil comes in many forms, your vice of choice is what is holding you back, hence why I said you can’t juggle between serving two masters you need to decide where your heart lies.

    I always say people in between will always have it worse since they are so conflicted, they may not even know it yet but eventually you have to decide who you pledge your allegiance to, just can’t have it both ways or your life will be constant shambles


    i pledge allegiance to God at the end of the day and affirm that/express that love

    but i know what u saying

    i trust ill be safe...but this is leading me down the wrong path fs

  • May 11, 2024

    Did some yayo last night and I felt like complete s*** for hours after I’m done with the s*** for a while

  • May 11, 2024

    Are you good