  • People make jokes about rats being in the Chinese food. It is a negative/racist stereotype. However it has been Chinese spots I been to in NY and NJ that have at least used rat meat. I know this cause they reported it on the news when it was discovered and those spots were rightfully shut down swiftly.

    It's definitely racist to make the jokes, but when it actually happens a number of times...I mean what can you say?

  • Jan 6, 2023
    2 replies

    Lmao shut your simple minded ass up

    Nobody is saying they're the same

    If Group A believes Group B to be unintelligent due to persistent negative stereotypes then they will be influenced in a situation where A has power over B e.g. job applications

    A stereotype can definitely lead to racism and are historically conflated wtf are you om

    We're not talking about intelligence we are talking about food. So when a Japanese person jokes and says this Chinese person eats cats or dogs is that still racist?

  • Jan 6, 2023
    1 reply

    We're not talking about intelligence we are talking about food. So when a Japanese person jokes and says this Chinese person eats cats or dogs is that still racist?

    Now it depends the topic of stereotype and the characters involved?

    You said, objectively, stereotyping =/= (is not linked to) racism

    Stereotyping is a form of discrimination; racial stereotyping is a subset of racism

    Good luck in life!

  • Jan 6, 2023

    Them niggas will serve any animal not just cats

  • Jan 6, 2023

    Now it depends the topic of stereotype and the characters involved?

    You said, objectively, stereotyping =/= (is not linked to) racism

    Stereotyping is a form of discrimination; racial stereotyping is a subset of racism

    Good luck in life!

    I asked you the question since you obviously think making fun of people's food is racist.

    Everyone can be prejudice or have stereotypes on other people. Not everyone can be racist. For example, people making fun of us selling one of the few fruits like watermelon back in the day is not the determining factor to point out a racist.

    Stereotype = Prejudice
    Stereotype ≠ Racist

  • China!

  • Jan 6, 2023

    We're not talking about intelligence we are talking about food. So when a Japanese person jokes and says this Chinese person eats cats or dogs is that still racist?


  • Jan 6, 2023

    Stop quoting me you moron

  • Jan 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Racism against Asians is socially acceptable for the most part. The most acceptable out of all races I’d say. Has the least amount of push back historically

    It’s so acceptable that a lot of times people don’t even realize what they just said or did was racist

    and racism against dark skinned people is very common in asia with little pushback, it’s almost as if both sides of the world are just as racist as each other

  • Thread is hilarious

  • XTAL

    and racism against dark skinned people is very common in asia with little pushback, it’s almost as if both sides of the world are just as racist as each other

    Nah they definitely more racist over there