  • Sep 5, 2020

    I've heard it's common for ADHD people to have a deep connection with listening to music.
    I don't know how to explain it exactly but music is the only thing that makes me feel emotions. I get really sucked into it and consumed by it like its everything around me.
    I feel this connection with almost any type of music pop rap rock hip hop orchestra etc not just one genre.
    I've never felt this connection with movies,TV, video games or other kinds of entertainment.

  • Sep 5, 2020
    1 reply

    I agree OP. I’m the same way

  • Sep 5, 2020

    Me too.
    Was talking to my girl last night about it.
    Man, I listen to music all the day long.
    I put some chill music to sleep as well.
    It's a 24 hours in a row.

    Music put me together and helps me to deal with my ADHD.

  • Sep 5, 2020
    5 replies

    s*** is life-giving. I think I need it. Of all the years we could’ve been alive, it’s nice we live in the streaming era.

  • GoGoGadget

    s*** is life-giving. I think I need it. Of all the years we could’ve been alive, it’s nice we live in the streaming era.

  • Sep 5, 2020
    1 reply

    I need someone to go more into detail itt

  • Hedobevibindoe

    I need someone to go more into detail itt

    Adhd typically leaves people unable to focus on subjects, our brains are always firing.

    So staying commited to one thing is difficult, with constantly new stimuli being brought in.

    This makes it really hard to be in a “flow state” where you focus your whole energy & just live in the moment.

    Music cancels all this extra ‘noise’ for me.

    No eaiser way for me to relax than in front of a computer wit headphones on

  • Sep 5, 2020

    I kinda feel like thst but I can get drawn into shows too, breaking bad is deadass like real life to me its crazy. I look at everyone like their real people

  • I don’t know abt ADHD but I’m definitely obsessed, I listen to music literally 24/7

  • Sep 5, 2020

    -music gives something to be mindful about
    -this helps to soothe anxiety
    -adhd and anxiety are closely related

    thats one possible explanation

  • I can’t listen to music without thinking what lyrics or words would I change, if the chord progression makes sense, if I would use a slightly different hi hat here compared to there, etc.

  • Hi-C 🦌
    Sep 5, 2020

    I really think I have ADHD. People describing it is exactly how I feel a lot of the times. The only two things that really easy my anxiety and I feel like I can focus on are like video games and music

  • Sep 5, 2020

    Never been diagnosed but I think I have some of the symptoms

  • Sep 5, 2020
    1 reply

    I have a formal diagnosis of ADHD and sadly, I usually can’t sit through a full song even though I want to. Same with anything else I enjoy. I’m always restless.

  • Sep 6, 2020

    s*** is life-giving. I think I need it. Of all the years we could’ve been alive, it’s nice we live in the streaming era.

  • Sep 6, 2020

    I need repetitive instrumentals to drown out the intrusive thoughts

  • Sep 6, 2020

    I have WILD adhd and music is my everything

    Love u OP distracted boyz 4L

  • Sep 6, 2020

    s*** is life-giving. I think I need it. Of all the years we could’ve been alive, it’s nice we live in the streaming era.

    Dont know what I’d do without music

  • GoGoGadget

    s*** is life-giving. I think I need it. Of all the years we could’ve been alive, it’s nice we live in the streaming era.

    This weirdly hit. We are more lucky than we could ever know just to have DSPs

  • Sep 6, 2020

    ya I get really antsy without music

    If I’m on my meds I can do work without it but otherwise I need it just to stop me from slipping into my head all the time

    if I even go a day without music I really notice how much it affects me

  • Sep 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I have a formal diagnosis of ADHD and sadly, I usually can’t sit through a full song even though I want to. Same with anything else I enjoy. I’m always restless.

    this is me a lot of the time too
    I don’t think it’s in conflict w op tho necessarily
    Music is often a background tool for me - when I’m working, when I’m driving, cleaning etc
    If I try and just listen to music I find myself skipping quickly between songs but when it’s in the background it’s ok

  • Sep 6, 2020
    1 reply

    damn further proof that i have adhd

    i get so into it, stevie singing almost brings me to my knees type s***

  • Sep 6, 2020

    damn further proof that i have adhd

    i get so into it, stevie singing almost brings me to my knees type s***

    Me too. People always make fun of how much I get into songs. Makes me glad I'm not like them

  • Sep 6, 2020
    1 reply

    this is me a lot of the time too
    I don’t think it’s in conflict w op tho necessarily
    Music is often a background tool for me - when I’m working, when I’m driving, cleaning etc
    If I try and just listen to music I find myself skipping quickly between songs but when it’s in the background it’s ok

    Don't you listen to the weeknd? Do you sit through the full 7-8 minutes of Gone or kiss land or do you usually skip half way though?
    That give me life I'm sad when the song is over. Those 8 minutes are like a trip without d****.

  • Sep 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Don't you listen to the weeknd? Do you sit through the full 7-8 minutes of Gone or kiss land or do you usually skip half way though?
    That give me life I'm sad when the song is over. Those 8 minutes are like a trip without d****.

    it took me a long time to come round to gone because it was so long
    Kiss Land has so many sections and switch ups so it was ok

    But now that I know both songs I love listening to the full thing
    It’s when I don’t know a song so well that I find it hard