it took me a long time to come round to gone because it was so long
Kiss Land has so many sections and switch ups so it was ok
But now that I know both songs I love listening to the full thing
It’s when I don’t know a song so well that I find it hard
I'm that way with new music too but if it's from an artist that I know I like I'll try to make the first listen a whole experience
I'm that way with new music too but if it's from an artist that I know I like I'll try to make the first listen a whole experience
Lmao I’m the exact same
this is me...although i never correlated my adhd to music....
i just started popping 36mg concerta recently and boy my whole life has changed
im gettin all my college work done. im doing 16 hour shifts at my job like its nothing. spent time with my ex (went supppppeeerrr well, maybe i was the toxic one), played phantasy star online with my lil cousin, watched the boys episodes 1 and 2 ( gonna watch 3 tomorrow night), one of my coworkers wants to f*** soon (gonna make it happen somehow )
and the best part is ..... i STILL have SO MUCH FREE TIME
like i didnt realize how much time and energy i was wasting doing god knows what......probably browsing youtube and ktt lol
but mannn if yall havent already been diagnosed and given meds then pleaseeee do
even my mother says she can see a contrast in my personality and im better with my anger.
s*** is life-giving. I think I need it. Of all the years we could’ve been alive, it’s nice we live in the streaming era.
this is me...although i never correlated my adhd to music....
i just started popping 36mg concerta recently and boy my whole life has changed
im gettin all my college work done. im doing 16 hour shifts at my job like its nothing. spent time with my ex (went supppppeeerrr well, maybe i was the toxic one), played phantasy star online with my lil cousin, watched the boys episodes 1 and 2 ( gonna watch 3 tomorrow night), one of my coworkers wants to f*** soon (gonna make it happen somehow )
and the best part is ..... i STILL have SO MUCH FREE TIME
like i didnt realize how much time and energy i was wasting doing god knows what......probably browsing youtube and ktt lol
but mannn if yall havent already been diagnosed and given meds then pleaseeee do
even my mother says she can see a contrast in my personality and im better with my anger.
it’s f***ing life changing
it’s f***ing life changing
it really is
i never realized how hard i've had to struggle with simply playin attention in class. its always been hard af
my dad always said i didnt need any meds i just needed to "get my ass beat more" lol
it really is
i never realized how hard i've had to struggle with simply playin attention in class. its always been hard af
my dad always said i didnt need any meds i just needed to "get my ass beat more" lol
lmao yea my parents were always anti meds as well
Did fine in school so never felt the need until s*** really started to break down in college
Now I just wish I’d done it in high school
I don’t know about adhd but I’m obsessed. Been listening to YFN lucci for the past two hours someone deactivate my AM account ASAP