It’s ok to say them, better yet write them the crazier the better you can takeaway a lot from what u put pen to paper, be in the flow state discover your true self.
Ultimately it all leads back to the source
things u cant say out loud ... ?
Yes, lately I’ve been having just f***ed, f***ed thoughts but I’m not fixated on them I’m just like word that was a little weird and keep it moving. All imma say is you can have bad thoughts and it’s okay, doesn’t make you a bad person but eventually if all you have are bad thoughts you change a lot in bad ways. Even if you never act out on bad thoughts, it just changes you for the worse. Also, people tend to keep score when it’s a bad thought but never make mental note of when it’s a good thought, so if you kept score of your good thoughts too you’d realize you’re not THAT bad
the more uncomfortable the thought of it is to you the worse it will make you feel if you repress them, just release it in some form or fashion and suddenly you feel this great burden taken off you and it’s not so unsettling anymore, work your way around these thought and you’ll find the root cause of it but don’t just ignore it
I suggest practicing active imagination this is the basis of making your unconscious conscious and you will start to make sense of why these thoughts occur and how to take the next steps to alleviate symptoms of your mental state
go to therapy
if I speak I am in big trouble
It’s ok to say them, better yet write them the crazier the better you can takeaway a lot from what u put pen to paper, be in the flow state discover your true self.
Ultimately it all leads back to the source
I tried this but got cancelled for it after my girlfriend found my moleskin notebook filled front to back with the sentence guys who immigrate from Africa always have these huge asses over and over like the shining
I tried this but got cancelled for it after my girlfriend found my moleskin notebook filled front to back with the sentence guys who immigrate from Africa always have these huge asses over and over like the shining
That was a sign
the more uncomfortable the thought of it is to you the worse it will make you feel if you repress them, just release it in some form or fashion and suddenly you feel this great burden taken off you and it’s not so unsettling anymore, work your way around these thought and you’ll find the root cause of it but don’t just ignore it
I suggest practicing active imagination this is the basis of making your unconscious conscious and you will start to make sense of why these thoughts occur and how to take the next steps to alleviate symptoms of your mental state
Ok i admit it i wanna f*** a mcchicken so bad bruh