Yes, lately I’ve been having just f***ed, f***ed thoughts but I’m not fixated on them I’m just like word that was a little weird and keep it moving. All imma say is you can have bad thoughts and it’s okay, doesn’t make you a bad person but eventually if all you have are bad thoughts you change a lot in bad ways. Even if you never act out on bad thoughts, it just changes you for the worse. Also, people tend to keep score when it’s a bad thought but never make mental note of when it’s a good thought, so if you kept score of your good thoughts too you’d realize you’re not THAT bad
u and op having intrusive thoughts
yes. i feel like im gonna be gunned down at any moment for simply enjoying myself a little too much. happens every time i fall out laughing i get an intrusive thought of somebody killing me
Yea im seriously considering buying that lego rivendell set. someone needs to stop me before its too late
yes. i feel like im gonna be gunned down at any moment for simply enjoying myself a little too much. happens every time i fall out laughing i get an intrusive thought of somebody killing me
Keeps you nice and miserable like they want
Carnal thoughts? Yea it be like that at times. I usually would incorporate into writing mostly. As it's easier for me to express it in that instance
I'm soooooo crazyyyyyy
Wtf is this. Why is it a meme. It's literally some random person's FB post.