First watch yess I feel a lil overwhelmed. By the second watch it gets much better and I have no problem recollecting scenes and key moments.
Not really, wish i would be able to remember other stuff in life as well as i do with film stuff. I guess life is just a lot less interesting to me
I think it's normal, especially with character names lol
Im the exact same
Ill just remember if i loved or hated it but after im done watching i feel like I already forgot a lot of it and i will only forget about it more as time goes by
depends on the movie. There are films I can recite the plot almost entirely while having seen them only once but there are also films I actually have to look up what happened in them.
Anybody else sometime forgot what a film was about but when you rewatch it you start to remember everything again?
Like when you forgot how a song sounded but immediately after pressing play again you know how the whole song is about to sound again
Yh i completely forget what some films are about. I think it happens mostly to films i really did not enjoy watching.
Nocturnal Animals is a good example. Couldn't tell you the plot gun to my head or think of any scene in my mind. All i know is i watched it and it was dogshit lol
literally not at all im probably autistic the way i remember movies, video games, shows, books
one time i went to sleep away camp and this weird kid deadass recited the whole spongebob movie when it was time to go to bed, i wish i was lying
Yh i completely forget what some films are about. I think it happens mostly to films i really did not enjoy watching.
Nocturnal Animals is a good example. Couldn't tell you the plot gun to my head or think of any scene in my mind. All i know is i watched it and it was dogshit lol
10/10 film.
not really. i have a hard time remembering titles though. i can very easily forget the title of the film i watched yesterday
this. but I’m also watching these movies high af so I’m sure that has a lot to do w it.
been having a slightly easier time remembering things from movies since I stopped taking norcos but I still smoke weed tho so not a huge difference lol
depends. if im high and the movie doesn’t interest me, I might as well have never watched it.
but if I’m into it, I’ll remember real specific s*** out of a 3+ hour movie, especially if it feels important. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to follow along for the whole runtime.
literally not at all im probably autistic the way i remember movies, video games, shows, books
Having a good memory is a sign of autism?