This is false lol, it’s obvious to everyone that you’re trying to compensate
Everyone is compensating in some way otherwise people wouldn’t bother about improving their social status / looks / financial standing.
Women probably compensate more than guys.
Majority of women do not hate short guys lol
Shhhh if you let them know that most people globally are nice kind people they'll lose their minds
Being short does give you a major disadvantage but you cannot change it so no use in worrying about it
Respect to you, your proof that a lot of this s*** is in your in head. Women can smell insecurity a mile away so as long as your comfortable in your skin it won’t matter as much as you think.
No literally. Cant really do anything about height, so I don't let it be an insecurity and other than a few short jokes here and there nobody really makes it a big thing. That's why I'm saying you're doing yourself no favors by making that s*** a crutch for why women not f***ing with you. Own who you are, be confident, women notice.
I’ve never seen this s*** outside the internet tbh
I have seen Mostly other men clown dudes for their height
i didn’t know people referred to themselves as manlets, thought it was just a term people used to talk down to them(no pun intended)
Shhhh if you let them know that most people globally are nice kind people they'll lose their minds
kevin hart joined the chat
Seriously though you short guys that have problems pulling b****es have to stop using the height excuse as a crutch because as a short guy, shorter than a lot itt even, I'm telling you it isn't. You have to look a lot deeper than that.
only people making fun of us short guys are the virgin niggas that are 24/7 on ktt lmao
only girls that care somewhat about height are highschoolers lmao
im 5 7 (171 cm) and i never had problems with girls and dated 2 girls that were taller than me. i look short because im buff but its normal lmao
girls only care about confidence
@op you seem to be worried about a lot of things that are pretty insignificant tbh.
Shhhh if you let them know that most people globally are nice kind people they'll lose their minds
Be confident about it, in my group of friends the guys who gets laid the most is a fat dude and a manlet.
Nah height is important when it comes to women but not everything. It’s like looks, the better you look the easier it is to get girls, but ugly mfs can still get girls with more effort ofc. If you’re 6’2-6’7 it’s going to be way easier than if you’re under 5’9 or some s***, doesn’t mean there’s no chance though
Only single guys care about this because subconsciously you’re grasping at reasons why you’re single
My nose is too big
I’m too short
I don’t have enough money
I’m too fat/Skinny
A smart person who wants a real thing doesn't zone in on one festure and disqualify a potential pick
Maybe you're too much into hookup culture OP people obviously are picky there because if you're hooking up it's just about looks
I'm 5"10 and my girl is 5"4. She told me she dated a few guys under 5"7 before me some girls don't care genuinely
I think the only time I was considered too short by girl was when she was 5"11
@op you seem to be worried about a lot of things that are pretty insignificant tbh.
got my stupid ass
Start compensating. Get big (manlets build muscle easier than lanky people)
Get your bread up
Dress well
Smell good
Keep yourself manicured and your living area clean