Looking for something light to read when I get the urge to use social media. Trying to redirect my attention to something more productive. Fiction or non-fiction, doesn’t matter.
What kind of funny are you looking for? Like some witty s***, or straight-up jokes
Inherent Vice might be a good one
Something by Tom Robbins
Looking for something light to read when I get the urge to use social media. Trying to redirect my attention to something more productive. Fiction or non-fiction, doesn’t matter.
Thomas pynchon
guards! guards! by terry pratchett
John Swartzwelder has a bunch of comic noir books. They're light and fun. He wrote some of the best episodes of the Simpsons. It's called the Frank Burly series. The first one is called The Time Machine Did It. Def lighter than Thomas Pynchon
The funniest book I read this year was probably Pop 1280 by Jim Thompson. Read like a Coens brothers movie. Very short and easy
What kind of funny are you looking for? Like some witty s***, or straight-up jokes
Inherent Vice might be a good one
Witty, light-hearted, nothing too profound
Witty, light-hearted, nothing too profound
Started reading another Frank Burly just because of this thread.
Looking For Love by Alissa Nutting is funny, got made into a show that was ok. White Noise by Don DeLillo has some of my favorite comedic lines of dialogue I’ve ever read, very dry dark comedy
guards! guards! by terry pratchett
Ive only read colour of magic, but i f***ing love it. Highly recommend discworld as an extrapolation
Gun, With Occasional Music is a pretty absurd noir, very light (under 200 pages I think).
The Locked Tomb Series is a Sci-Fi, Gothic Horror series that’s also pretty funny (and incredibly gory).
Also by the same author as the above, Princess Floralinda and the 40 Flight Tower (leans more into being a novella).
Cat’s Cradle.
Catch.22 (not really light, but still, one of the funniest books ever written).