  • Dec 10, 2022

    god willing you get off my nuts

    i have thankfully not quoted your braindead posts in quite awhile, you’ve been on relatively good behavior

    stop mentioning God though, savvy?

  • Dec 10, 2022
    1 reply
    Big Tobacco

    Literal schizo posting lol

    a stoic, tarot using, pop philosophy consuming, vegan Reddit atheist

    it’s like he’s speed running insufferability, im mildly impressed

  • Dec 10, 2022

    and it’s hilarious how this dude just used Jung, histories, myth etc. to justify his use of tarot and then disparaged theism which totally isn’t based on centuries and millenia of philosophies, seers, religious practices, mysticism and man being pretty much intrinsically religious and spiritual since the dawn of time

    atheists really don’t deserve anything good in life im starting to slowly become convinced

    last sentence LMAOOO

  • Dec 10, 2022

    a stoic, tarot using, pop philosophy consuming, vegan Reddit atheist

    it’s like he’s speed running insufferability, im mildly impressed

    some people are still incapable of comprehending the cross and wander through life bemused and vulnerable, don't hold it against them.

  • Dec 10, 2022
    Big Tobacco

    honestly that’s even more ed than astrology

    the cards look cool tho

  • plants 🌻
    Dec 10, 2022

  • Dec 10, 2022
    1 reply

    this s*** is linked to narcissism, I'm out op

    im still waiting for your source btw, i need to see it

  • Dec 10, 2022
    1 reply

    The symbols in the tarot are pulled from the history of human myth and archetypes, part of the world that Jung calls the collective unconscious. Through telling and retelling the archetypes have become embedded in the way that we interpret stories. The cards just allow us to put them together in various configurations so that we can see parallels between the stories within the cards and our own experiences.

    I ain't reading no future, every now and then i just pull some cards and sometimes they really hit. Sometimes not. And i just do it for myself, not anyone else.

    Like i been struggling to quit smoking for ages now but recently feel like i turned a corner with my relationship with it, felt like pulling a card for the first time in months and pulled Death. The end of an era. Coulda pulled 77 other cards but nah that's the one that popped up, i took it as a mild sign that I'm making the right moves.

    People believe in gods they never seen (i believe in things I've never seen), dont scoff at me taking minor hints from cards in front of my face built on centuries of human history, myth, and archetypes.

  • Dec 10, 2022
    2 replies

    i'm into astrology p****

  • Dec 10, 2022
    1 reply
    Big Tobacco

    Literal schizo posting lol

    I see you in a bunch of threads spreading your limited close minded ass beliefs. Shut u up real quick in that UFO thread and here u go again with these lame posts

  • Dec 10, 2022
    1 reply

    reject Jung embrace Lacan or maybe embrace both idk

  • Dec 10, 2022
    lil neon

    i'm into astrology p****

  • plants 🌻
    Dec 10, 2022
    1 reply

    and it’s hilarious how this dude just used Jung, histories, myth etc. to justify his use of tarot and then disparaged theism which totally isn’t based on centuries and millenia of philosophies, seers, religious practices, mysticism and man being pretty much intrinsically religious and spiritual since the dawn of time

    atheists really don’t deserve anything good in life im starting to slowly become convinced

    you projected my disparagement, it's literally not there, i immediately said i hold beliefs that can be compared to the same degree as religion which is just believing in something that can't currently be measured by our tenuous grasp of capital S Science (which is pretty s***)

    ie. i respect religion, otherwise i wouldn't be able to respect myself

    not atheist btw but keep on assuming, making us one cheek of the same ass

    you smart as hell but dam could it kill you to be nice lol

  • plants 🌻
    Dec 10, 2022
    1 reply

    I see you in a bunch of threads spreading your limited close minded ass beliefs. Shut u up real quick in that UFO thread and here u go again with these lame posts

    schizo posting is a compliment from that guy let's be honest

  • plants 🌻
    Dec 10, 2022
    1 reply
    FKA Tadow

    thanks for not being a jerk bro i appreciate it

  • Dec 10, 2022

    schizo posting is a compliment from that guy let's be honest

    These mfs act like we understand everything about reality when scientists still can't even explain consciousness which is literally what we are lol. We all witness synchronicities everyday that prove the existence of something deeper but most people ignore them. Nothing u can do for those people fr

  • FREE 💜
    Dec 10, 2022
  • Dec 10, 2022
    2 replies

    reject Jung embrace Lacan or maybe embrace both idk

    Speak American

  • plants 🌻
    Dec 10, 2022
    1 reply

    believing in a god (or gods) and ascribing to a religion is inherently noble

    maybe edumist will finally get off my small white cock now that I've said that

  • Dec 10, 2022
    Jowe Buddew

    Speak American

  • Dec 10, 2022
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    Speak American

    Lacan > Jung

  • Dec 10, 2022
    1 reply

    you projected my disparagement, it's literally not there, i immediately said i hold beliefs that can be compared to the same degree as religion which is just believing in something that can't currently be measured by our tenuous grasp of capital S Science (which is pretty s***)

    ie. i respect religion, otherwise i wouldn't be able to respect myself

    not atheist btw but keep on assuming, making us one cheek of the same ass

    you smart as hell but dam could it kill you to be nice lol

    “people believe in Gods they haven’t seen so excuse me while i practice something insert qualifiers here that apparently put it over the aforementioned God belief

    the disparagement is pretty naked my guy, it doesn’t take a genius to read it man

    i don’t see how you hold views that would be in the vein of a religion, and then hold such views about it like the one i just quoted above, in literally no faith is belief based on what is seen, God has always been something that is intuited—at this point you can say you’re not an atheist but you certainly move like one, so you could just be a materialist in denial when it all comes down to it

  • Dec 10, 2022
    1 reply

    and it’s hilarious how this dude just used Jung, histories, myth etc. to justify his use of tarot and then disparaged theism which totally isn’t based on centuries and millenia of philosophies, seers, religious practices, mysticism and man being pretty much intrinsically religious and spiritual since the dawn of time

    atheists really don’t deserve anything good in life im starting to slowly become convinced

    I think we argued about something similar before. I'm curious what you actually believe in? You seem to defend all religions but do you actually subscribe to any specific one?

  • Dec 10, 2022

    Wouldn't actually know
