I think we argued about something similar before. I'm curious what you actually believe in? You seem to defend all religions but do you actually subscribe to any specific one?
im a bit of a dilettante, im currently studying advaita vedanta within Hinduism, juggling philosophy of religion and some other mystic texts/readings in others like Sufism, Christian mysticism etc.
Hinduism probably is the religion that metaphysically aligns with my spirituality and all the most though, so you could consider me that for simplicity
I mean what do you mean by that
i prefer Lacan psychoanalytic theories and philosophy over Jungs
im a bit of a dilettante, im currently studying advaita vedanta within Hinduism, juggling philosophy of religion and some other mystic texts/readings in others like Sufism, Christian mysticism etc.
Hinduism probably is the religion that metaphysically aligns with my spirituality and all the most though, so you could consider me that for simplicity
you're no different than him.
you're no different than him.
yeah yeah yeah, that’s why i didn’t even bother replying to you
Christian fundamentalists 🥱
im a bit of a dilettante, im currently studying advaita vedanta within Hinduism, juggling philosophy of religion and some other mystic texts/readings in others like Sufism, Christian mysticism etc.
Hinduism probably is the religion that metaphysically aligns with my spirituality and all the most though, so you could consider me that for simplicity
I'd agree with you. If there is any religion I resonated with the most, it would be Hinduism. It's also the oldest religion so it gives it more credibility imo. This is interesting tho cause u argued with me about christianity in another thread so I thought u were a Christian.
I'd agree with you. If there is any religion I resonated with the most, it would be Hinduism. It's also the oldest religion so it gives it more credibility imo. This is interesting tho cause u argued with me about christianity in another thread so I thought u were a Christian.
I wouldn't say a religion being older gives it more credibility. Just want to point that out
I'd agree with you. If there is any religion I resonated with the most, it would be Hinduism. It's also the oldest religion so it gives it more credibility imo. This is interesting tho cause u argued with me about christianity in another thread so I thought u were a Christian.
nah, not a Christian but i find a lot of the oft-repeated critiques for it to be pretty f***ing stupid. so i can’t help but defend it from that angle sometimes
im also sympathetic to the religion because i was baptized at a young age and i believe it gave me my first experience of the divine/a religious experience that really grounds my spirituality and faith to this day
i prefer Lacan psychoanalytic theories and philosophy over Jungs
Yes I understand that part.
What are Lacans and Jungs psychoanalysis theories in relationship to tarot and why do you prefer Lacan
I wouldn't say a religion being older gives it more credibility. Just want to point that out
I'd say it definitely does. Most Abrahamic religions have inspirations that can be cited in older religions. Religions get inspired by others a lot. Hinduism being the oldest makes it unique and more credible imo
and it’s hilarious how this dude just used Jung, histories, myth etc. to justify his use of tarot and then disparaged theism which totally isn’t based on centuries and millenia of philosophies, seers, religious practices, mysticism and man being pretty much intrinsically religious and spiritual since the dawn of time
atheists really don’t deserve anything good in life im starting to slowly become convinced
i thought Christians were supposed to be kind to everybody and love everybody
the f***s up with the last sentence in your post.
giving Christianity a bad name.
I wouldn't say a religion being older gives it more credibility. Just want to point that out
…it kinda does
it’s a testament to how long its truths and insights have stood the test of time, versus an old timey one off schizo cult
nah, not a Christian but i find a lot of the oft-repeated critiques for it to be pretty f***ing stupid. so i can’t help but defend it from that angle sometimes
im also sympathetic to the religion because i was baptized at a young age and i believe it gave me my first experience of the divine/a religious experience that really grounds my spirituality and faith to this day
So what makes u different from the guy you were arguing with who seems to be spiritual? Why did u consider him an athiest cause he didn't subscribe to a specific religion?
i thought Christians were supposed to be kind to everybody and love everybody
the f***s up with the last sentence in your post.
giving Christianity a bad name.
not a Christian big dog, and even if i was my behavior isn’t representative of the whole
kick rocks
“people believe in Gods they haven’t seen so excuse me while i practice something insert qualifiers here that apparently put it over the aforementioned God belief “
the disparagement is pretty naked my guy, it doesn’t take a genius to read it man
i don’t see how you hold views that would be in the vein of a religion, and then hold such views about it like the one i just quoted above, in literally no faith is belief based on what is seen, God has always been something that is intuited—at this point you can say you’re not an atheist but you certainly move like one, so you could just be a materialist in denial when it all comes down to it
all i did was put cards in the physical, observable realm and ask how a belief in them can be ridiculed to an even higher degree than something not in the physical, observable realm
you read into that and assumed that meant i believed they're above the aforementioned god. nah dog, it's all one and the same. just like you and i are one cheek of the same ass
Yes I understand that part.
What are Lacans and Jungs psychoanalysis theories in relationship to tarot and why do you prefer Lacan
Nevermind I'm dumb I'll actually read the thread
So what makes u different from the guy you were arguing with who seems to be spiritual? Why did u consider him an athiest cause he didn't subscribe to a specific religion?
nah he’s an atheist because of the attitudes that he holds towards religions, not necessarily ascribing to a specific religion of sorts (i think that’s pretty important to do)
from a previous thread and this one, he gives big “all religion is bad and if God exists he wouldn’t let his creation suffer” vibes, and it clearly shows up in the forms of his arguments
nah he’s an atheist because of the attitudes that he holds towards religions, not necessarily ascribing to a specific religion of sorts (i think that’s pretty important to do)
from a previous thread and this one, he gives big “all religion is bad and if God exists he wouldn’t let his creation suffer” vibes, and it clearly shows up in the forms of his arguments
are you against homosexuality?
Yes I understand that part.
What are Lacans and Jungs psychoanalysis theories in relationship to tarot and why do you prefer Lacan
I find Lacan theory on how the unconscious works like a structure similar to linguistic much more compelling then Jung attempt to understand it through religion and myth though i am just getting into psychoanalysis
edumist ability to read my vibes is godlike
guess I'm an atheist now, time to pack up my altar, quit saying my prayers, and bin all my religious texts
corny dk emote