  • Jul 16, 2022


    This is crazy. I used to know the guy that made Uranium. We would talk quite a bit about what we were working on.

    It’s not a ROM Hack. It was made in RPG Maker. Back in the day on PokeCommunity we made a lot of fan games using Pokemon Essentials.

    I still remember those days on the forum in the showcase sections. A lot of cool projects were being made.

    thats wild haha, u make games? curious to see what uve done

  • Jul 16, 2022

    Just downloaded Crystal Clear a few days ago

  • Jul 16, 2022
    1 reply

    every person in this thread a real nigga

  • Jan 13, 2023

    Played crystal clear last year

    Makes it an open world game where you can do the gyms in order you want + difficulty is increased

    Got far but didn't finish

    Playing polished crystal atm and it's way better

  • Jan 14, 2023
    1 reply
    Banana Clip

    If you really fw the originals then rocket edition is insane. But if you want a classic experience can’t go wrong with light platinum

    is rocket edition like GTA for pokemon

    checked the site out, s*** sounds fire though

  • Jan 14, 2023

    ive never beat a pokemon game

    maybe i should try

  • Jan 14, 2023


    I played almost all of the best ones

    My fav is light platinum

  • Jan 14, 2023

    is rocket edition like GTA for pokemon

    checked the site out, s*** sounds fire though

    GTA lmao no but it’s got a interesting story tying in the original red/blue story and the stealing Pokémon mechanic is pretty cool

  • Jan 22, 2023
    1 reply

    playing FireRed now and this game is way too packed man

    first u have trek through the cave to cerulean city where you have 1000 fights with trainers, team rocket and low level spawns

    then you hit the gym, beat that

    next go to the bridge, face your rival

    then onto the bridge and have 6 back to back fights with trainers

    then the next area route 25 is literally a "this is where trainers come to train" another 1000 fights

    like give me a f***ing break man let me chill for one minute

  • Aug 13, 2023

    Yooo there is a f***in thread here for this no way shout out to @op

    Been playing Pokemon unbound best Pokemon game I ever f***in played

  • Aug 13, 2023
    1 reply

    playing FireRed now and this game is way too packed man

    first u have trek through the cave to cerulean city where you have 1000 fights with trainers, team rocket and low level spawns

    then you hit the gym, beat that

    next go to the bridge, face your rival

    then onto the bridge and have 6 back to back fights with trainers

    then the next area route 25 is literally a "this is where trainers come to train" another 1000 fights

    like give me a f***ing break man let me chill for one minute

    Fire Red ain't a Rom hack man It's just a remake of the first game. Unless you meant Ash Gray?

  • Aug 13, 2023

    Just copped ash gray s*** sounds dope

  • Aug 13, 2023
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    Fire Red ain't a Rom hack man It's just a remake of the first game. Unless you meant Ash Gray?

    nah idk what a rom hack is i thought this was the pokemon thread

  • Aug 13, 2023

    nah idk what a rom hack is i thought this was the pokemon thread

    Lol a ROM hack is when someone takes the files of a game and either edits/tweaks some of it (like a version of FireRed where you can obtain all Pokemon without trading but besides that it's the exact same) or builds a completely different game off the framework/engine

    Pokemon unbound is it's own game entirely but is just a fully rebuilt "version" of FireRed that has nearly 0 similarities outside of the pokemon stuff similar between all the games (like weaknesses or whatever)

    Elden ring Gameboy edition is some Gameboy game engine used to recreate elden ring as a super low powered 8 bit game that can be run on an actual Gameboy

    FireRed dope tho I was playing through leaf green recently but stopped when I started unbound

  • Aug 13, 2023


  • Aug 13, 2023
    2 replies

    Unbound the best I've ever played

  • Aug 13, 2023
    1 reply
    Don Whoreleone

    Unbound the best I've ever played

    I'm at mt thundercap I just keep getting blown away at the effort put into it.

    Quit playing Pokemon after diamond and unbound is just so much better than any other one I've played. Makes me pissed off how s*** the newer ones are in comparison

  • Aug 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Might have to check out this Unbound one yall keep speaking about when I have free time

  • Aug 13, 2023
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    Might have to check out this Unbound one yall keep speaking about when I have free time

    Do it you wont regret it that s*** is gas

  • Aug 13, 2023
    1 reply

    I'm at mt thundercap I just keep getting blown away at the effort put into it.

    Quit playing Pokemon after diamond and unbound is just so much better than any other one I've played. Makes me pissed off how s*** the newer ones are in comparison

    Yeah sometimes I wish I never played Unbound coz it set the bar too high for me, cant enjoy other hacks as much. Might try to play Unbound on a higher difficulty or maybe just go for Radical Red

  • Aug 13, 2023
    3 replies
    Don Whoreleone

    Do it you wont regret it that s*** is gas

    Gen 1 to Gen 8 Pokémon kinda daunting I'm pretty much clueless on Gen 6-8 and Gen 5 was bad enough because I didn't know what type most of my opponents were at first

    Think Ima dedicate more time to Black 2 and check the hack out if I still want to play more Pokémon after that

  • Aug 13, 2023
    Don Whoreleone

    Yeah sometimes I wish I never played Unbound coz it set the bar too high for me, cant enjoy other hacks as much. Might try to play Unbound on a higher difficulty or maybe just go for Radical Red

    S*** its basically my first hack. I played glazed for like 30 min on my phone before I got a SBC device and jumped into glazed after leaf green and emerald

  • Aug 13, 2023
    BlueChew Sean

    Gen 1 to Gen 8 Pokémon kinda daunting I'm pretty much clueless on Gen 6-8 and Gen 5 was bad enough because I didn't know what type most of my opponents were at first

    Think Ima dedicate more time to Black 2 and check the hack out if I still want to play more Pokémon after that

    Pretty much my situation but I don't have a device for anything past PS1

    It's worth it

  • BlueChew Sean

    Gen 1 to Gen 8 Pokémon kinda daunting I'm pretty much clueless on Gen 6-8 and Gen 5 was bad enough because I didn't know what type most of my opponents were at first

    Think Ima dedicate more time to Black 2 and check the hack out if I still want to play more Pokémon after that

    No worries once you play the games the mechanics, typings will come naturally.

  • Aug 14, 2023
    Don Whoreleone

    Unbound the best I've ever played