Ya know after a little bit of time playing it on the switch it's not TOO bad. Definitely gotta play with the pro controller down and turn down the stick sensitivity a bit. Just got a 9 kill game and I had crossplay turned on
Handheld is a no-go tho
The game straight up won’t fill my teammate even with the check mark on and if I’m lucky enough to get a duo partner they quit before we even land
Respawn suck bruh
The game straight up won’t fill my teammate even with the check mark on and if I’m lucky enough to get a duo partner they quit before we even land
Respawn suck bruh
they can't control whether or not you get paired with some mark ass b****es
Olympus is such a s*** f***ing map
It’s so bad. At least the open areas in king’s canyon have rocks and other s***, Olympus is flat death everywhere. And f*** the vehicles.
Olympus is such a s*** f***ing map
big facts i never ever play it. i don’t like World’s Edge either but it’s not awful.
Olympus is such a s*** f***ing map
it's not that bad for pubs but it's absolutely terrible for ranked
Fuse is so f***ing good I have gotten 12 wins so far with him and i just started playing again last month
Lifeline looks to be completley useless after this nerf, smh.
That shield was so annoying but that’s what made her viable
That shield was so annoying but that’s what made her viable
they took her shield??? lmfaoooo
That shield was so annoying but that’s what made her viable
At least make it like a knockdown shield instead of having it unbreakable, smh.
they took her shield??? lmfaoooo
Yeeted it right out the park
New gun is a bow.