Niggas sleep on Crypto so hard
Throw that drone down before a fight and you basically got free wallhacks for the entire team
Yeah keep looking for my drone I’m already following your loud ass footsteps
Niggas sleep on Crypto so hard
Throw that drone down before a fight and you basically got free wallhacks for the entire team
Yeah keep looking for my drone I’m already following your loud ass footsteps
bruh solo crypto is so booty cheeks
ive won ranked with a crypto because he grabbed my banner and I had a spawn beacon but most cryptos are brain dead!
They will be in their drone while we are fighting. Only reason to really use the drown is to scope before third partying and end game. The problem is most cryptos have poor positioning and will use their ULT so far away that they won't have time to fight.
I killed him like 3 times but whole team was confused. We were on storm point and I dead ass saw 4 people try to kill him and he got away. I see it all the time.
My friends are semi-bots too but I don’t want to say anything and the apex lfg discord is even worse. Every time we win I’m carrying him. He doesnt have a main and we have been playing for a month now. I told him to change his sense but he insist on playing on the default sens which is like 4 or something. So he’s like 400 dpi with 4 sensitivity...smh
Lmao brah we got the same experience. My friends are doo doo too. Got me feeling like imperialhal the way these mfs infuriate me with their bone-headed plays. They play the game like it’s cod meaning they never make use of their characters abilities.
That’s sad that even the LFG discord has bots
Maggie is so fun man
Out of the gates she’s well balanced not too op/weak and actually fun to use
As an ex fuse main I thought she would be to similar but I couldn’t be more wrong.
Had a crazy endgame with her where I basically solod the last two teams and they was on my ASS
SP: Barometer, Mill, Stormcatcher, Checkpoint
WE: Countdown, Lava Siphon, Staging, Harvester.
Olympus: Phase Driver, Terminal, Power Grid, Solar Array
KC: Spotted Lakes, crash site, containment
But it also depends on dropshop path
Ngl reading these made me realize I haven’t memorized the poi’s in this game at all
But yeah bro that’s identical to mine as well, kinda crazy
I like landing at skyhook on WE as well, sometimes that spot is packed other times it’s whatever but it’s easy to rotate to poi next to it and clean up those teams
Lmao brah we got the same experience. My friends are doo doo too. Got me feeling like imperialhal the way these mfs infuriate me with their bone-headed plays. They play the game like it’s cod meaning they never make use of their characters abilities.
That’s sad that even the LFG discord has bots
I be wanting to break the tv when you 1v2 a squad and both your teammates choke and can’t finish off the last guy
S*** be having me blowed bro, like BOTH y’all niggas shooting couldn’t hit him?
Ngl reading these made me realize I haven’t memorized the poi’s in this game at all
But yeah bro that’s identical to mine as well, kinda crazy
I like landing at skyhook on WE as well, sometimes that spot is packed other times it’s whatever but it’s easy to rotate to poi next to it and clean up those teams
Yeah Skyhook is a better city POI than Fragment imo. Hit there and then rotate to Climatizer (I think I just like landing there too lol) or rotate down towards Countdown.
I be wanting to break the tv when you 1v2 a squad and both your teammates choke and can’t finish off the last guy
S*** be having me blowed bro, like BOTH y’all niggas shooting couldn’t hit him?
i killed two dudes
my teammate had no armor and full health. the enemy had no armor and no health and he didn't hit a shot. I look at the killfeed to spectate and this dude had 1HP. 1 f***ing HP and this random bozo couldn't hit one shot...smh
apex is the best battle royal game
its complexity and simplicity is amazing
if you get what im saying then you get it
Was on a team with a Valk and Octane
First fight the octane gets knocked, I kill the last two people, the Valk is still looting on the other side of the POI. if I would’ve gotten knocked we would’ve lost.
Later on we get in another fight, me and the octane are pushing, we probably would’ve beat the squad but the Valk was 50 feet behind of “sniping” with a 30-30.
We get knocked and then I have to tell the Valk to to push before she decides to grab our banners.( octane had already disconnected) by this point.
Was on a team with a Valk and Octane
First fight the octane gets knocked, I kill the last two people, the Valk is still looting on the other side of the POI. if I would’ve gotten knocked we would’ve lost.
Later on we get in another fight, me and the octane are pushing, we probably would’ve beat the squad but the Valk was 50 feet behind of “sniping” with a 30-30.
We get knocked and then I have to tell the Valk to to push before she decides to grab our banners.( octane had already disconnected) by this point.
bruh I hate people like that. Like where are people's heads at? Like the awareness. You see us engaging, why are you not engaging? I had an octane with a 30-30 do that to me on storm point I was pissed off!
Or the guys who just want to ring rat with blue evo the entire game. People don't understand that in end game you should have end game weapons. Or the guys who craft in mid fight. Like bro you dead serious huh LMFAO!?
Has anyone else had the problem of people joint 3v3’s just to be inactive or leave?
Been happening a lot recently.
Has anyone else had the problem of people joint 3v3’s just to be inactive or leave?
Been happening a lot recently.
Sometimes when I try to play ranked it throws me in pubs and I quit, Probably happening to other people too.
Has anyone else had the problem of people joint 3v3’s just to be inactive or leave?
Been happening a lot recently.
imma add you later on bro
imma add you later on bro
Take your time, I’m learning to play Octane & Wraith
Bro somebody leaked gameplay of literally everything respawn is working on internally
9 new legends
4 new guns
New br map
New arena maps
New skins
Bro somebody leaked gameplay of literally everything respawn is working on internally
9 new legends
4 new guns
New br map
New arena maps
New skins
Who do y’all main? I started out with LL in S9 but right now I’ve been going between Crypto, Rampart and Loba so I think those 3 are my favorite right now
Bro somebody leaked gameplay of literally everything respawn is working on internally
9 new legends
4 new guns
New br map
New arena maps
New skins
Holy s*** someone is getting fired over this
That moon map looks hard asf, we really eatin
Who do y’all main? I started out with LL in S9 but right now I’ve been going between Crypto, Rampart and Loba so I think those 3 are my favorite right now
I play literally everyone. I think I have the most kills on pathfinder and crypto but every day I'm switching legends lmao
And yeah the leaks go nuts. Respawn cybersecurity is so ass
Who do y’all main? I started out with LL in S9 but right now I’ve been going between Crypto, Rampart and Loba so I think those 3 are my favorite right now
I’m decent with Ash, Bloodhunter is easy to use. I just started using Octane and he’s the easiest legend so far
Wraith is still confusing to me, I need more time with her.
Oh and Maggie is dope.