Man I want more guns than I want new legends
There hasn’t even been a new AR
Next one is an AR for sure
Who do y’all main? I started out with LL in S9 but right now I’ve been going between Crypto, Rampart and Loba so I think those 3 are my favorite right now
One buff that I'm hoping comes for the bangalore is the ability to see through her smoke. I think just inside her own smoke would be a good buff but not crazy.
One buff that I'm hoping comes for the bangalore is the ability to see through her smoke. I think just inside her own smoke would be a good buff but not crazy.
Who do y’all main? I started out with LL in S9 but right now I’ve been going between Crypto, Rampart and Loba so I think those 3 are my favorite right now
I want to get good with ash I tried her in rank solo when my team auto died and got top 3 with 6kp. She really turnt fr no cap fr. I want to get good with crypto he seems really cool. I feel like a lot of people use him wrong tho especially in solo queue...
One buff that I'm hoping comes for the bangalore is the ability to see through her smoke. I think just inside her own smoke would be a good buff but not crazy.
that’s dumb af
How is it dumb?
Can scan characters see thru her smoke? If so it kinda defeats the whole purpose of scanning.
Honestly her smoke is kinda wonky because people have complained about getting shot thru smoke and being visible to enemies so it needs a rework
How is it dumb?
it’s too OP, she would basically have wall hacks for a good 20 secs and unless you have digi threat you’re f***ed
Can scan characters see thru her smoke? If so it kinda defeats the whole purpose of scanning.
Honestly her smoke is kinda wonky because people have complained about getting shot thru smoke and being visible to enemies so it needs a rework
I'm thinking like something similar to how caustic can see through his own gas.
Legends who have scanning abilities sure they can see through it when they scan but not the same way i suppose.
it’s too OP, she would basically have wall hacks for a good 20 secs and unless you have digi threat you’re f***ed
You know you can reduce her smoke duration time right lol instead of it being 21 seconds its 13 or 14 now. That's balance.
rampart is such a fun legend to play, love watching people try and rush me with a wall + Shiela
One buff that I'm hoping comes for the bangalore is the ability to see through her smoke. I think just inside her own smoke would be a good buff but not crazy.
I'd rather her ult not stun teammates.
I just want the volt back in the regular loot I was dropping mofos like crazy with it
The volt gave me so much confidence when I was in CQC lmao I knew bruh was about to get washed trying to come up on me
I just want the volt back in the regular loot I was dropping mofos like crazy with it
Yeah it was definitely the best smg before it went in cp
R301/flatty/rampage + volt
Nah man somethings fishy my sens feels higher even tho I haven’t changed anything? I was off the mark with the volt and I usually stick onto my enemies with that gun
how do you do the Bangalore 'Living With It' challenge
i go into fireing rang and it says challenge locked
how do you do the Bangalore 'Living With It' challenge
i go into fireing rang and it says challenge locked
Are you sure you’re interacting with the right rifle stand? It should be the one the middle. Also make sure you initiated the actual challenge and are using bangalore