Man idk what to spend my crafting mats on maggie my girl so I wanna get that banner but spending mats on a banner
Then I want that ash skin especially since I ain’t got jack for her but I also want that clean ass mastiff skin since I just got basic ones for it and then there’s that gold flatline
bocek skin is crazy too 👀
Definitely one of my fav collection events so much good s*** and a great heirloom
I added you @BlackOlympian from Xbox. Saw one from PS and PC lmk if I need to send it again fam
Are you sure you’re interacting with the right rifle stand? It should be the one the middle. Also make sure you initiated the actual challenge and are using bangalore
ohh ty i finally got it i was going to the one on the far left
Why is diamond so damn hard
Got to masters in under 50 games breh
Just get good
Diamond lobbies are pretty much play lobbies. And masters lobbies are diamond lobbies. (10k hardstucks are legit braindead)
I added you @BlackOlympian from Xbox. Saw one from PS and PC lmk if I need to send it again fam
I’m a try to find my old headset and fix it tonight.
Got to masters in under 50 games breh
Just get good
Diamond lobbies are pretty much play lobbies. And masters lobbies are diamond lobbies. (10k hardstucks are legit braindead)
My teammates are oblivious. Wish I had a consistent team.
Yea I wanna play
I’m plat 3 about to derank
You down for pubs!
yeah whats your id
I gotta start playing crypto
yeah whats your id
I gotta start playing crypto
I’m on pc btw
What’s yours?
Imma add all of y’all from Xbox - SisterSquire660
Added you back, trying get adjusted to this small ass screen now