I always go through apple.com. You can link it to your carrier there and do the carrier deals. Never had problems this way
F*** i did not realize that, first time preordering and i went directly through verizon
Mine not even shipping until the 20th smh
T Mobile giving max 300$ Credit
s***ty ass phone line
so Airpods 4 it is deciding
T Mobile giving max 300$ Credit
s***ty ass phone line
so Airpods 4 it is deciding
You gotta be on their go5g next or go5g plus plan for the full carrier deal
On ios 18 just texted someone for the first time with an android and RCS popped up and i can see when they read my messages and when s*** delivers and it got all the imessage features
You gotta be on their go5g next or go5g plus plan for the full carrier deal
wtf this plan only 2$ more than what I currently pay
wtf this plan only 2$ more than what I currently pay
Then upgrade to that plan. THEN you will get the full credit when you try
On ios 18 just texted someone for the first time with an android and RCS popped up and i can see when they read my messages and when s*** delivers and it got all the imessage features
yeah its fire
Apple moves fast. phone already preparing for shipment
No blue titanium for the 16 pro is a massive L
yeah i love the color of my 12 pro max
Black pro it is
Any of yall had the glitch where your phone randomly takes your
Oldest pictures and puts them as your most recent? S*** annoying as f*** how do I fix this
On ios 18 just texted someone for the first time with an android and RCS popped up and i can see when they read my messages and when s*** delivers and it got all the imessage features
Yep iToddlers are in shambles it's so over for them
on the edge rn, my 14 pro is still sooooo good but i keep thinking about the 16 pro man, idk what to do yet
On ios 18 just texted someone for the first time with an android and RCS popped up and i can see when they read my messages and when s*** delivers and it got all the imessage features
I can’t get my parents droids to work with RCS. They’re on a fold and flip, all on Verizon
Tracking number showed up in UPS my choice