Bojack, Arcane and Edgerunners.
The 3 reasons why Netflix really exists for the real ones.
Bojack, Arcane and Edgerunners.
The 3 reasons why Netflix really exists for the real ones.
Cosign Bojack and Arcane
Bojack, Arcane and Edgerunners.
The 3 reasons why Netflix really exists for the real ones.
+Scott Pilgrim Takes Off and Castlevania
+Scott Pilgrim Takes Off and Castlevania
True, Scott Pilgrim was better than it had any right to be.
Damn Netflix has been splitting seasons into 3 parts now did this the first season too
Damn Netflix has been splitting seasons into 3 parts now did this s*** with Ozark final season and it wasn't warranted
They did this the first season too
Didn’t know that. Just realized the drops are only a week apart so it’s basically 3 episodes a week until it’s done assuming it’s 9 episodes again
I’m fine with that
blurays shipping now
my dumbass bought this twice and didnt realize it till i saw the two copies in my mailbox
Jinx is such an awesome character man she owns every scene she is in