the number of times they leave this b**** ambrosa alive is completely unforgivable
the number of times they leave this b**** ambrosa alive is completely unforgivable
Let that b**** live
Thought it was 3 years
Caitlyn said the martial law had been going for months
More stories to come for sure dnt wry
Ya even though it's gonna take a while again Makes sense to go for Noxus storyline next
yes and in the end we see the balloonship which Jinx said she will fly with one day in episode 1\. Also Caitlyn looks at the plans for the Hexgate and smirks and then looks at the jinx bomb. So far her hunches were incredibly spot on. They probably couldnt find her body. But she smiles and knows Jinx will leave and keeps that to herself from Vi
Exactly, it’s so obvious. People often forget that every single choice in an animated project is deliberate (like the shimmer trail). On a broader note, not everything needs to be spelled out for the viewer.
“Sometimes the best way to break the cycle is to walk away,” and the show literally ends with the same airship Powder once said she was going to ride someday, leaving Piltover? Cmon. Also, the subtext in the Cait scene perfectly aligns with how you described it. And the “The End” title card? It’s written in Jinx’s font.
mel ambessa and ekko got me screaming black power through the phone
They deff T’d up
S2 was good. Finale could’ve use another 20-25 minutes imo. Well each episode in the season tbh. Artistically this season was a spectacle to watch. Animation wise it was kinda lack luster especially comparing it to season 1. Just wasn’t as fluid and all the music videos they put into the episodes kinda dulled my immersion in the plot.
S2Act1 is the biggest offender of this. A bunch of still cuts for fight scenes. Slow-motion effect on damn every punch or object thrown just bad direction. Act 3 is finally where we get s1 quality with the action set pieces, without it being a music video. Ambessa vs Caitlyn & Mel is the best fight of s2.
Idk man I feel empty after act 3
Kinda rushed a bit
Damn, they ain't stick the landing?
S2 was good. Finale could’ve use another 20-25 minutes imo. Well each episode in the season tbh. Artistically this season was a spectacle to watch. Animation wise it was kinda lack luster especially comparing it to season 1. Just wasn’t as fluid and all the music videos they put into the episodes kinda dulled my immersion in the plot.
S2Act1 is the biggest offender of this. A bunch of still cuts for fight scenes. Slow-motion effect on damn every punch or object thrown just bad direction. Act 3 is finally where we get s1 quality with the action set pieces, without it being a music video. Ambessa vs Caitlyn & Mel is the best fight of s2.
Not the slowmo overkill, I was afraid of that. How is the writing tho?
Damn, they ain't stick the landing?
Nah it’s still peak but just my thoughts
Not the slowmo overkill, I was afraid of that. How is the writing tho?
Thought the writing was decent. Act 2 had the best writing for s2. All the lil plot points were interesting, and definitely had me emotional at some points. Act3 builds on it but the overall pacing of season 2 hurt it. A lot of things kinda end abruptly imo. You’re not unsatisfied with the ending but, they could’ve stretched it out a lil more.
Like the side characters they introduced for Vi’s lil squad were imo wasted screen time in the end.
Vi couldn’t wait to eat that up
If you want to spoiler an image put # after !