  • Jul 9, 2023

    There’s a blog / archived text from someone who I believe was a philosophy professor.

    It talked about this over the top violent, post apocalyptic comic book. And compared that to shoegaze (or just MBV/Loveless) and modern society?

    Everything i’m mentioning is in a page I remember titled as CHAPTER ONE.

    Posting this on the very off chance someone knows what i’m talking about. The comic he mentions is some underground, dystopian s*** that wasn’t mainstream at all. He made a lot of crazy connections between all these ideas and I hate that I can’t find it

  • Jul 9, 2023
    good boy

    There’s a blog / archived text from someone who I believe was a philosophy professor.

    It talked about this over the top violent, post apocalyptic comic book. And compared that to shoegaze (or just MBV/Loveless) and modern society?

    Everything i’m mentioning is in a page I remember titled as CHAPTER ONE.

    Posting this on the very off chance someone knows what i’m talking about. The comic he mentions is some underground, dystopian s*** that wasn’t mainstream at all. He made a lot of crazy connections between all these ideas and I hate that I can’t find it

    there’s like an all seeing thought police too?

  • Jul 9, 2023

    The comic could be doom patrol or deathlok. But those seem much more mainstream than the author expressed

  • Jul 9, 2023