This one time in grade school a white kid told me that I wasn't african american and still has me shaken up he said that African americans came from Africa, which basically means descendants of slaves are black. Im still genuinely confused and honestly think the white man is trying to divide us again with this trick
i'd say african american is specifically people with slave history in america. im west indian and black american households are a kinda different vibe
I remember we had an argument in my African American art class in college about this. Very split answers
I identify as both cause I was born here and ain't no Africans in my family therefore I'm black and not "african" American. but at the same time saying I'm not African american is pretty disrespectful to my ancestors who were Africans and brought here as slaves
This is an interesting question, in my opinion African Americans are those who are descendants of those who were brought over here by evil crackers during the slave trade..
In my experience, people who usually have parents or grandparents who moved here and they will identify as their parents or grandparents country as an American. For example most second or third gen Nigerians would consider themselves Nigerian American not African american
I agree that African Americans are those who migrated from Africa within in the past few generations. Technically the decedents of those who were slaves are just American because there are generations upon generations of the same family here so you just become naturalized or whatever. But I refuse to identify as American cause Im Black and thats it.
If you can trace your roots back to a direct ancestor in Africa and someone in your fam decided to move to the USA I don’t think you are African American..since all African Americans are those who were effected by slavery...usually have European last names..and s***..basically
If you can trace your roots back to a direct ancestor in Africa and someone in your fam decided to move to the USA I don’t think you are African American..since all African Americans are those who were effected by slavery...usually have European last names..and s***..basically
yeah i would agree, African American culture and African culture are two different things, with subtle similarities
I agree that African Americans are those who migrated from Africa within in the past few generations. Technically the decedents of those who were slaves are just American because there are generations upon generations of the same family here so you just become naturalized or whatever. But I refuse to identify as American cause Im Black and thats it.
yea but we didn't choose to come here so are we still naturalized there's no reason people should differ us from our race african american
yea but we didn't choose to come here so are we still naturalized there's no reason people should differ us from our race african american
if ya ancestors didn’t feel the whip u ain’t African American, it’s kinda disrespectful to even throw em both together i feel like
but the thing is, any type of dark skin is black to these cacs so it’s like...?
if ya ancestors didn’t feel the whip u ain’t African American, it’s kinda disrespectful to even throw em both together i feel like
so you are suggesting africans who move to america now aren't african american? what should we call them
so you are suggesting africans who move to america now aren't african american? what should we call them
neo afro amero
making this too dividing
if you dont put people in a seperate category when they tell you they're a migrated nigerian, you may be slow sir
or cac
but the thing is, any type of dark skin is black to these cacs so it’s like...?
Exactly they view all people with black skin like s*** whether they’re African or African American
No matter what that black skin and black features still makes the treatment in the western world the same.
if you dont put people in a seperate category when they tell you they're a migrated nigerian, you may be slow sir
or cac
just say you're nigerian american or some s***
so you are suggesting africans who move to america now aren't african american? what should we call them
Most of them don’t identify as African American anyways.
How many niggas with Igbo or Yoruba last names do you see calling themselves African American and not Nigerian American?
just say you're nigerian american or some s***
thats what i said. but you say its too dividing as if there isnt a difference :p