  • Wh1p

    Most people aren't self aware enough to realize that humans contradict themselves on a daily basis. It's natural to want to do something for your selfish desires (in this example, working with your idol), even if it means contradicting your views.

    It doesn't mean that what he says in his music is performative, it means that humans have many different desires that often conflict with each other and that reality is uncomfortable to think about. Artists are humans, not robots made for you and your views.

  • I think peggy refered to himself as an anarcho somewhere maybe that’s the moral basis he follows

  • Wh1p

    Most people aren't self aware enough to realize that humans contradict themselves on a daily basis. It's natural to want to do something for your selfish desires (in this example, working with your idol), even if it means contradicting your views.

    It doesn't mean that what he says in his music is performative, it means that humans have many different desires that often conflict with each other and that reality is uncomfortable to think about. Artists are humans, not robots made for you and your views.

    For sure, our reactions to what we think others do as bad just tells us more about ourselves and what we believe rather than fundamental idea of right held by all of society.

    We all have things that we have done that some people would look at suspiciously or even downright hate us for, but at the end of the day those things don’t necessarily equate to the full picture of any one person. It’s impossible to fully understand anyone even yourself. I think everyone holds some amount of belief that their morals are close to objectively right, when the truth is we all have things that “regular” people would give a side eye too. Doesn’t mean that you can’t and shouldn’t stand behind your beliefs, just means that we all need to remember that flawed thinking is part of our humanity.

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    my final take on this: everyone is flawed and i will continue being myself :)

  • Feb 12
    hot pancakes

    also i wouldn’t say kanye is alt right i’d put nick fuentes there, but it doesn’t seem like kanye f***s with him anymore. thank god

    he’s not alt right he just hung around milo yiannopolous, nick fuentes, alex jones, and gavin mcinnes for like 2 years

  • Would be curious to know what other artists they listen to, or it's only a problem when something is mentioned about Jewish people (not condoning this obviously) but it seems everyone has a line of what they consider okay or not. John Lennon beats his wife but The Beatles are still revered. People will sweep anything under the rug for artists (or any figure, really) that they like... I think it's important to recognize it though. Like kanye I'm sure is a narcissistic a******, but I wouldn't call him a "bad" guy necessarily. Has he said a lot of dumb s***? Ofc but I don't see it the same as actually hurting people like others have.

  • I mean these are actually pretty valid points they're making lol if you kept up with Peggy since his Devon Hendryx days and Communist Slow Jamz he'd always take very loud anti-Nazi, anti-fascist, and anti-sellout stances. He would always praise Kanye though and call him a genius who was his greatest influence.

    Peggy has criticized Kanye a few times in the past, but he always stood firm that he was always going to remain a fan of his music and artistry.

    Tl;dr He named one of his albums "All My Heroes Are Cornballs" for a reason. Vultures No. 1 most streamed in Israel. Kanye still corny. Lotta artists still will and want to work with Kanye. It is what it is

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    Seems exhausting to be so bothered by things so insignificant to your own life

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    lmao a lot of the quotes and replies to the NFR tweet in their feelings

    Vince McMahon was pimping, pee peeing and boo booing on mfs, Dana white slaps his wife, Miles Bridges, Ray Rice, Karl Malone, Weinstein, Spacey, Dan Schneider…at times all of the institutions these dudes were involved with overlooked their misconduct…Its six degrees of separation from some foul s*** if you’re gonna consume most mainstream/mass media. People cherry pick

    This is definitely hypocritical but who cares honestly

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    calling another man “Peggy”


    This is definitely hypocritical but who cares honestly

    Rappers are just tryna come up with a cool line in the moment

    You can’t actually expect people to live by their lines beyond a span of like a year or two from when they say some s***

  • Feb 12

    calling another man “Peggy”

  • Feb 12

    he used to hang with ariel pink also right (not a diss I love ariel pink’s music)

    that was pre-everything that happened with ariel btw lol

  • Feb 12

    Seems exhausting to be so bothered by things so insignificant to your own life

    me with everything revolving around kanye nowadays

  • treeman

    Tired of crybaby cacs tbh go inherit your dads business or something

    I’m saying like

    go watch CNN or some s***

  • willcherry

    they not even wrong for feeling this way too

    i get why he would wanna work with kanye atp despite his politics, and i think he knows what he risks for his own career by doing it

    one of those things where it is what it is

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    Hasan is a JPEGMAFIA fan, that should tell you everything you need to know.

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    I'm just hoping for a Gambino ft in the future to see the real white outrage


    Dudes on here overlooking the very real fact that ye has admitted to be A LITERAL NAZI lmao

    When did he do that

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    Hasan is a JPEGMAFIA fan, that should tell you everything you need to know.

    Hasan is dope and so is JPEG. Go suck your dad

  • Lil Uzi Horizontal

    Hasan is dope and so is JPEG. Go suck your dad

    come on now

  • Feb 12
    1 reply
    babylon sherm

    Those seem like pretty reasonable questioms

    Edit: that being said, you’ve gotta take it on the chin for believing the dude who broke out with Black Ben Carson had any ethical framework for his career. When Elucid said “Performative rebel rhetoric but the beat’s incredible, f*** it” he was too right

  • beritoo


  • Tubig 🌊
    Feb 12

    I’m a huge Peggy fan but this is just the noname situation all over again where you’re kinda just reaping the fanbase you sowed your entire career

    Tbf he’s s***ted on his fans before

    Like when they got upset at him for sampling a cop dying

  • Feb 12
    1 reply
    babylon sherm

    Edit: that being said, you’ve gotta take it on the chin for believing the dude who broke out with Black Ben Carson had any ethical framework for his career. When Elucid said “Performative rebel rhetoric but the beat’s incredible, f*** it” he was too right

    Thats a crazy sub, no wonder Peggy got so mad. Had no clue where that beef stemmed from