  • Jul 10, 2020

    you're cool too

  • Jul 10, 2020

    I was trying to explain to some white girl today that voting for Kanye isn’t taking away from Biden because they don’t have the same base. And when she keeps calling me stupid because i was right. And when I said she was mad because a black man was calling her out she got angry. This made me think do these people actually care about us or do they want to feed their egos and try to look smart and when someone like me calls them out they feel insulted that a black person is challenging them.

    A lot of them are in to virtue signal and feel better about themselves. It makes them feel like they have power over something, so when a black person challenges or questions them, they feel threatened. It opposes their agenda and narrative. They think all black people should think a certain way. This behavior is performative activism to the fullest.

    Kanye has said a lot of questionable things, but he's the GOAT for saying black people should think for themselves instead of letting racist leftist whites have this power over them.

    And I know rightists aren't necessarily better either. It's just that a lot of leftists are in this for the wrong reasons and it shows when their views are being challenged.

  • Jul 10, 2020
    1 reply

    American liberalism is Center-Right, calling people who abhor free college and healthcare and were fine with invading Iraq “leftists” is so dumb tbh

  • Jul 10, 2020

    Kanye 2020

  • Jul 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Biden supporters are not leftists

    Liberals are not leftists

    Learn what these words mean before u use them

  • 92 BRICKS
    · edited

    American liberalism is Center-Right, calling people who abhor free college and healthcare and were fine with invading Iraq “leftists” is so dumb tbh

    These people need to stop using words they don’t actually know the meaning to

  • Jul 10, 2020
    Scratchin Mamba

    Leftists are not liberals.

  • Jul 10, 2020

    I think its certainly an argument you could make.

    As a “leftist” myself, my main criticism of left wing parties is the incredibly narrow minded way they approach demographics.

    As a straight white man, political parties treat me as a rounded, complex individual. They go to real lengths to try and win my vote, and they look to a***yse many aspects of my character - my class, my job, my education, my morals, my upbringing, my interests etc - understanding that the combination of these factors will likely determine my political views and where my vote will go.

    Unfortunately all too often this approach just isn’t taken with minorities, and they are just treated as one dimensional - black people will vote like this and the only relevant factor is their skin colour, LGBT people will vote like this and the only relevant factor is their sexuality. In the worst case scenarios I’ve even seen “minorities” grouped in one giant bloc, as if the interests of ethnic minority groups are perfectly aligned with those of the LGBT community for example.

    This strikes me as very racist and dehumanising. As much as I’m skeptical about the motives of many of the high profile black conservatives on social media, theyve raised a great question about the left taking minority votes for granted, and this could really come back to bite these parties in the future

  • Jul 10, 2020
  • Jul 10, 2020
    1 reply

    One racist thing the internet left does is say the primary was rigged for Biden even though the reason Biden took over was because black south Carolinians voted like 95% for Biden and every other decent candidate subsequently dropped out. Also there is no reason to vote for anyone but Joe Biden unless you are looking to prove your idiocy

  • Jul 10, 2020
    1 reply

    you black right

    imagine how our parents must feel about the constant racism they endured back in the day only for it to not go away now....

    They’re humble af and I feel like they’ve just learned it will always be hate. You can’t change people

  • Jul 10, 2020
    1 reply

    They’re humble af and I feel like they’ve just learned it will always be hate. You can’t change people


  • Jul 10, 2020


    Every older black person ive met from that era is humble af about it. No reason to get angry at this point

  • Jul 10, 2020

    Even me when I deal with racism I’m just like smh but whites gon white

  • Jul 10, 2020

    Never really f***ed with white people anyway lol they too shady

  • Jul 10, 2020

    In short, yeah.

  • Jul 10, 2020

    Unless you’re a billionaire, politicians don’t care about your interests period

    If anything this year should’ve proven this to everyone, but there’s still so many people arguing over which old white non-progressive racist rapist should be running the country, when the answer is that neither of them should

    Nobody’s gonna protest that though, are they

    You would get called a racist if you said this in public.

  • Jul 10, 2020

    They treat black people like a group of children who don’t understand the problems in their own communities

  • Jul 10, 2020

    White liberals think they know what’s better for you than you do

  • Jul 10, 2020

    This is a dumb thread becuz it’s under the assumption that Kanye will actually run for president. He’s seeing how many people will write in his name to boost his massive ego. Which will most likely “hurt” Biden more than trump
