  • In all honesty, I’m choosing to vote in this election specially to avoid that s***. Yeah, Biden is absolutely shriveled brain, genocidal trash, but I get the sense here that people either aren’t aware of or don’t take Project 2025 seriously.

    Either that or a ton of people here have just become nihilist, if not outright self-destructive reactionaries.

    That s*** is legitimately terrifying.

  • Jun 30
    1 reply

    What’s biden’s policy other than emulating republican policy

  • Jun 30
    2 replies

    bro I already lived through one trump term and it was the same bullshit as always, they can't pull this scare tactic on me a third time like my memory disappeared. at least when people were whining about "impending fascism" in 2016 it was a novelty.

  • Jun 30
    2 replies

    I’m surprised people are catching on to Project 2025 since the document has been out since the latter-half of Trumps term

  • Jun 30
    2 replies

    In all honesty, I’m choosing to vote in this election specially to avoid that s***. Yeah, Biden is absolutely shriveled brain, genocidal trash, but I get the sense here that people either aren’t aware of or don’t take Project 2025 seriously.

    Either that or a ton of people here have just become nihilist, if not outright self-destructive reactionaries.

    That s*** is legitimately terrifying.

    Let me ask you something

    Why is it that John Oliver can do a half hour report about Project 2025 on his HBO show, but CNN (who is also owned by the same people as HBO), makes zero attempt to even ask Trump about it to bring it to national attention?!

    If liberals were so f***ing worried, they would’ve brought it up then. But instead they focus on Ratatouille Biden.

  • Jun 30

    Nobody knows about that s*** that’s why and people could really care less was talking to a group on Friday about the draft to the military and mofos was like “dang they passed that bill ?”

  • Jun 30
    1 reply

    Also with what the Supreme Court is doing, what exactly do you think a democrat president will achieve?

  • Jun 30
    2 replies

    the truth is that the united states was always a fascist country and a good portion of american citizens vacillate between a fascist and social-fascist position for their own benefit relative to the rest of the world. this doesnt apply to the american "prisonhouse of nations" which are subject to the same genocide that palestinians are currently experiencing.

    their is no "project 2025" -- you are currently living through a real genocide and you have the power to stop it. voting for joe biden has nothing to do with anti-fascism.

  • Jun 30

    s*** is scary

  • Jun 30
    1 reply

    What’s biden’s policy other than emulating republican policy

    Even if literally the only difference was Biden wouldnt sign a national abortion ban and Trump would that's a pretty big difference

  • Jun 30
    1 reply

    Even if literally the only difference was Biden wouldnt sign a national abortion ban and Trump would that's a pretty big difference

    Yeah the difference is Biden would let it happen state-by-state to make it his next campaign platform

  • Jun 30
    2 replies

    bro I already lived through one trump term and it was the same bullshit as always, they can't pull this scare tactic on me a third time like my memory disappeared. at least when people were whining about "impending fascism" in 2016 it was a novelty.

    my brother in christ, they overturned Roe, Chevron, Jarksey amongst many others…like shut the f*** up lol

  • Yeah the implications of it are pretty bad. They're pretty much looking at clearing the water for corps to be able to rip consumers off in every way and create even more laws in their favor. And that's after all the anti immigration and abortion stuff.

  • Jun 30
    1 reply
    internet buddy

    Let me ask you something

    Why is it that John Oliver can do a half hour report about Project 2025 on his HBO show, but CNN (who is also owned by the same people as HBO), makes zero attempt to even ask Trump about it to bring it to national attention?!

    If liberals were so f***ing worried, they would’ve brought it up then. But instead they focus on Ratatouille Biden.

    my brother in christ, cnn is not a liberal network lol, go look up who owns it

  • Jun 30
    3 replies

    why can't we all just respect each other's freedoms and live off the abundance that earth provides man

  • Jun 30
    1 reply

    my brother in christ, they overturned Roe, Chevron, Jarksey amongst many others…like shut the f*** up lol

    all these things were already underway by the previous administration

  • they wont get it until its too late

  • Jun 30
    1 reply

    all these things were already underway by the previous administration

    the Obama administration?

  • Jun 30
    1 reply

    why can't we all just respect each other's freedoms and live off the abundance that earth provides man

    Republicans don't believe in science for one so...

  • Jun 30
    1 reply

    the Obama administration?

    yes. the imperialist system has an internal logic, it is not dependent on one president over another. elections in the US exist to settle petty disputes between different factions of the ruling class; the genocide of arabs was already a predetermined thing and would've happened regardless of who became president.

  • Jun 30
    1 reply

    I wish I could see some of these users' ping to see if they're really in America

  • Pusha P

    I wish I could see some of these users' ping to see if they're really in America

    damn foreigners am I right

    tell em how you really feel

  • Pusha P

    Republicans don't believe in science for one so...

    They say they do when it comes to trans people

  • Sme old same old

  • Jun 30
    1 reply

    why can't we all just respect each other's freedoms and live off the abundance that earth provides man

    We f***ed up and evolved
