yes. the imperialist system has an internal logic, it is not dependent on one president over another. elections in the US exist to settle petty disputes between different factions of the ruling class; the genocide of arabs was already a predetermined thing and would've happened regardless of who became president.
I agree with your sentiment on both parties but the democrats were not going to overturn those cases…they might have been too p**** to do anything about it.
Let me ask you something
Why is it that John Oliver can do a half hour report about Project 2025 on his HBO show, but CNN (who is also owned by the same people as HBO), makes zero attempt to even ask Trump about it to bring it to national attention?!
If liberals were so f***ing worried, they would’ve brought it up then. But instead they focus on Ratatouille Biden.
They also asked Trump that useless question about accepting the election results. Who gives a f*** he’s not the president anymore
Yeah the difference is Biden would let it happen state-by-state to make it his next campaign platform
Just wait man, Biden will restore Roe v Wade after he gets elected for a 2nd term. He can't do it rn because he's busy fighting the evil guys.
I don’t really care because I don’t do s***stuff that fash idiots would kill me for
I don’t really care because I don’t do s***stuff that fash idiots would kill me for
proceeds to make his avi the leaked photos of another mans ex-wife
Project 2025 fear mongering hasn't worked because it isn't some Trump directive or campaign promise, it's The Heritage Foundation's detailed goals for a "future republican administration." Just because its their goals doesn't mean they get uniformly implemented immediately without a doubt
This is the GOP we're talking about, a party with no cemented plans and can barely work together to pass bills. They had majorities in Congress Senate, and the Presidency in 2017 and lost votes for bills to push Trump goals.
I'm not saying one should just mark it off or not care. It's concerning, but it's not gonna successfully deflect people from Trump. There's other aspects to worry about if you don't want him back, and you have to face the fact Americans have experienced Trump already and aren't as prone to warnings of him as they were in 2016 and 2020. Gotta find a new strategy
why can't we all just respect each other's freedoms and live off the abundance that earth provides man
capitalism and white supremacy brother
Also with what the Supreme Court is doing, what exactly do you think a democrat president will achieve?
Appoint a liberal justice when one of these f***s dies?
Project 2025 fear mongering hasn't worked because it isn't some Trump directive or campaign promise, it's The Heritage Foundation's detailed goals for a "future republican administration." Just because its their goals doesn't mean they get uniformly implemented immediately without a doubt
This is the GOP we're talking about, a party with no cemented plans and can barely work together to pass bills. They had majorities in Congress Senate, and the Presidency in 2017 and lost votes for bills to push Trump goals.
I'm not saying one should just mark it off or not care. It's concerning, but it's not gonna successfully deflect people from Trump. There's other aspects to worry about if you don't want him back, and you have to face the fact Americans have experienced Trump already and aren't as prone to warnings of him as they were in 2016 and 2020. Gotta find a new strategy
Bro it's literally a coalition of the biggest conservative donors coming together
Appoint a liberal justice when one of these f***s dies?
my friend Abed is currently in Khan Younis having trouble feeding his two sons bc joe biden continues his support for the genocidal zionist entity, what does another pointless supreme court judge do for his malnourished kids
We f***ed up and evolved
Money/capitalism corrupts tbh. Look up that 2005 study with monkeys where researchers introduced currency. It didn't take long for them to turn to prostitution once they grasped the concept
my friend Abed is currently in Khan Younis having trouble feeding his two sons bc joe biden continues his support for the genocidal zionist entity, what does another pointless supreme court judge do for his malnourished kids
Before I answer that question I have one for you. Does an "ideal" government exist anywhere on earth, in your opinion?
Before I answer that question I have one for you. Does an "ideal" government exist anywhere on earth, in your opinion?
I'm not an idealist so I dont care
is this where you tell me that the US genocide machine isnt "ideal"
I'm not an idealist so I dont care
is this where you tell me that the US genocide machine isnt "ideal"
What is the best/least oppressive government in the world in your opinion? Does one even exist?
no because i know how the government actually works and also that the coalitions that supported Trump's re^tard^ed fat ass already said they were going to do all of this in 2016
What is the best/least oppressive government in the world in your opinion? Does one even exist?
oppressive for who? what do you think the purpose of the state is? it exists to cement a class dictatorship over society, the question is which class is in control.
idk what this has to do with Abed and his kids tho
oppressive for who? what do you think the purpose of the state is? it exists to cement a class dictatorship over society, the question is which class is in control.
idk what this has to do with Abed and his kids tho
So none. Got it
So none. Got it
I didnt say that. I asked where you were going with this.
I didnt say that. I asked where you were going with this.
The point is that it probably took that country a lot longer than 60 years to get to that point. Which is how long America has been a "free" country, with a much more diverse population
The point is that it probably took that country a lot longer than 60 years to get to that point. Which is how long America has been a "free" country, with a much more diverse population
integration and "civil rights legislation" did not make the US a "free country", what are you even talking about
have you ever listened to anything these old Black Panther Party dudes said
The point is that it probably took that country a lot longer than 60 years to get to that point. Which is how long America has been a "free" country, with a much more diverse population