U right I don't ever remember this happening in the last global pandemic
If you being smart suck my d***. We've had a ton of pandemics
I'm not gonna be the first wave of people to get it. Once it's tested and it's proven to be effective, then yes.
Mark of the Beast? I'm Good
in December?
I'm not gonna be the first wave of people to get it. Once it's tested and it's proven to be effective, then yes.
Think this too
when that third wave hits after black friday
This is not really news, we have this same deal set up with AstraZeneca for the Oxford vaccine
I'm not gonna be the first wave of people to get it. Once it's tested and it's proven to be effective, then yes.
Need to quarantine all the antivaxxers into their own sxn here,
Good idea to out them all OP
I'm not gonna be the first wave of people to get it. Once it's tested and it's proven to be effective, then yes.
Great sources
Great sources
it doesnt even matter if i post sources and provide evidence to back my claims tbh.
people no longer like reading, critically thinking, and making judgement for themselves.
people on this forum will still call people "anti-vaxer", "science-denying" ,crazed conspiracy-theorists because they only follow the masses and believe what's being spoonfed to them.
I'm not gonna be the first wave of people to get it. Once it's tested and it's proven to be effective, then yes.
I'm probably gonna wait a lil and see the side effects but yea if it's safe I'll get it.
Imagine getting a vaccine just to be politically correct
Like in first page, bruh said it best, once it's proven, only then I'd get it