Its not really misinformation if people are just having discussions. Its not like ktt is presented as a news site where everything is supposed to be fact.
There are many impressionable young people on here, spreading misinformation to the younger kids does not help us in anyway. I dont see how view points of being antivax should be socially acceptable anywhere in any situation
What? KTT is worse today with the trolls than ever.
Back in the day the biggest trolls were iamhiphop and FUN. That should tell you how toxic it has gotten.
RIP iamhiphop, wonder how all the surrey indian guys are doing these days
There are many impressionable young people on here, spreading misinformation to the younger kids does not help us in anyway. I dont see how view points of being antivax should be socially acceptable anywhere in any situation
Or maybe kids will do their own research and form their own opinions. You know every vaccine isn't totally safe for everybody right?
Or maybe kids will do their own research and form their own opinions. You know every vaccine isn't totally safe for everybody right?
I do know that, but those people know that as well and make sure they get the proper one if there is one available. Otherwise, they rely on everyone who can get the vaccine to get it, which protects those who cannot get the vaccine through herd immunity.
Imagine these kids (and dont lie, you know people these days are very lazy to do their own research) will believe what they read online on social media, especially if presented well. Spreading s*** like that can birth antivaxers which places those that you mentioned, the ones who cannot receive said vaccine safely and rely on everyone else to get it, in danger.
I get topics are up for discussion but antivax s***, which takes into account public health, isnt something to be discussed. Matter of fact, this whole antivax movement started because people were sharing and discussing that many times refuted and falsified study that was released years ago
Nah. First I'll get the vaccine, then next thing you know I'll be posting on reddit and drawing my own Sonic recolors.
Isn't she just lovely ???
She cares so much about black people that she thinks they should be vaccinated first !
Her husband's father was also one of the heads of Planned Parenthood in it's early stages.
And we all know how much the original founders of planned parenthood love black people right ?
I'm not gonna be the first wave of people to get it. Once it's tested and it's proven to be effective, then yes.
I'm not gonna be the first wave of people to get it. Once it's tested and it's proven to be effective, then yes.
s***tt i need two years worth of research before i take it.
Preventing a strong ass flu vs getting kidney failure is a tough choice tbh
gonna wait for the sensational foreign Youtube video with captions to dissect the vaccine & tell me its mixed with poop or whatever first
Mark of the Beast? I'm Good
The mark is supposed to be the tracker they introduce with it to make sure you’re ok to go back to work/school