  • May 23, 2024
    2 replies

    Nah how much worse can it get

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    just quote me next time

    It is true the Republicans are using more openly reactionary rhetoric and your fears are valid as a trans person

    But you need to temper the legitimate fear with realism. A common Democrat tactic after Oct 7 was to bring up the inevitable genocide and discrimination LGBTQ people will face in his re-election, specifically trans. Trans people are a marginalized group but the idea of trans people being criminalized and rounded up writ large is a scare tactic to vote for a Biden rather than meaningful change in health care policy at the federal level

    The likely outcome with be Democrats continue to be used as a “lever” against Red states while they slowly shift to the right to not appear “too woke” as they do on every social issue the past 20 years. As they have for Gay people, black people. Just 4 years ago they promised black people true change and all we got on paper was increased police budgets.

    Marginalized groups of any stripe will continue to fight for better conditions as long as a state that operates on profit, long when me and you grow old. This isn’t the election to end all, it wasn’t in 2020 nor in 2016 like Democrats. They want to use you as tokens to secure another vote at the ballot box just to not take action because they don’t want to appear “too leftist” to suburban white voters that may vote Blue.

    The situation is bleak and realistically it may get worse for a bunch of groups before it gets better. But the Democrats being in office isn’t “fixing” it, and I know you’re gonna say I’m “both siding” it, and I’m not. There are differences between the two parties but neither will magically resolve your fears.

    There are trans socialists and communists who oppose Biden and stand in solidarity with Gaza, im not gonna go in on that comment but your identity doesn’t shield you from being worth more than the next person, regardless of how hard it is to see how connected your government is to their suffering, and how little you care


    I honestly didn't even read your comment fam my comment was not in response to you but to a common sentiment I've seen online over the last month or two

    I appreciate your reasonably-toned and empathetic comment, though. I think you make some good points. Ultimately, though, I don't believe Trump will be any better for Gaza than Biden has been/would be. And throwing my vote away by voting third party or not voting (esp as I live in a swing state) just makes little to no sense for me as someone with actual stakes in this election. I understand that the worst-case scenario for trans people if Trump gets elected is not LIKELY, but I am certain that it would be a net negative for trans people overall.

  • sponge 🧽
    May 23, 2024

    bro said a morning 40oz

    i love you @OP crine

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    b**** got the nerve to tell a palestinian woman that they need to hold their nose and vote for a racist pedophile that murdered my kin

    you can do whatever you like. but idk how you can't see the way you talked to me in this thread is absolutely deranged and out of line. I'm gonna go ahead and block you now, have a nice day!

  • sponge 🧽
    May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    Nah how much worse can it get

    it always can

    darkest before dawn

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    it always can

    darkest before dawn

    We already lived thru Trump and you can argue it’s worse now.

    Not buying the sky is falling if you elect the other guy trope again, voting 3rd party

  • sponge 🧽
    May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    We already lived thru Trump and you can argue it’s worse now.

    Not buying the sky is falling if you elect the other guy trope again, voting 3rd party

    Oh i agree with dubbing that “Lesser of two evils” bullshit

    i’m just saying things are headed a certain way regardless of the demon that gets elected come november

    We just gotta be prepared for the fallout if we can

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    Oh i agree with dubbing that “Lesser of two evils” bullshit

    i’m just saying things are headed a certain way regardless of the demon that gets elected come november

    We just gotta be prepared for the fallout if we can

    Exactly, Biden winning again is going to have us on a better path? Yea okay

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    I honestly didn't even read your comment fam my comment was not in response to you but to a common sentiment I've seen online over the last month or two

    I appreciate your reasonably-toned and empathetic comment, though. I think you make some good points. Ultimately, though, I don't believe Trump will be any better for Gaza than Biden has been/would be. And throwing my vote away by voting third party or not voting (esp as I live in a swing state) just makes little to no sense for me as someone with actual stakes in this election. I understand that the worst-case scenario for trans people if Trump gets elected is not LIKELY, but I am certain that it would be a net negative for trans people overall.

    Im not voting for Biden or Trump based solely on Gaza like yourself. I’m a communist so i fundamentally disagree with him on a lot of stuff. The U.S foreign policy as a whole is based off imperialism and economic exploitation of other countries which is why most communists reject foreign conflicts Amerca is in. Israeli occupation is just oneexample.

    That is valid to feel like you are “wasting” your vote but truthfully it will be a waste either way. This isn’t meant to demean or belittle you honestly, but I understand it can feel secure knowing you made an attempt when Democrats are telling you Republicans are the equivalent to the next Hitler

    Ultimately you personally have to do whatever works to take care of your own mental health. Materially it has no benefit but that isn’t something you or I can change in the next 4 years

  • sponge 🧽
    May 23, 2024

    Exactly, Biden winning again is going to have us on a better path? Yea okay

    People keep saying that and they’re focused on some domestic and social policies that the dems keep a level of support for but that’s not enough for me to ignore everything else they’re complicit in or actively aiding

    I take issue with peoples only political perspective being tethered to solely the next presidential election and s*** like that. There’s more to politics than that.

    There’s more to the world than just US domestic politics every 4 years

  • May 23, 2024
    3 replies

    Im not voting for Biden or Trump based solely on Gaza like yourself. I’m a communist so i fundamentally disagree with him on a lot of stuff. The U.S foreign policy as a whole is based off imperialism and economic exploitation of other countries which is why most communists reject foreign conflicts Amerca is in. Israeli occupation is just oneexample.

    That is valid to feel like you are “wasting” your vote but truthfully it will be a waste either way. This isn’t meant to demean or belittle you honestly, but I understand it can feel secure knowing you made an attempt when Democrats are telling you Republicans are the equivalent to the next Hitler

    Ultimately you personally have to do whatever works to take care of your own mental health. Materially it has no benefit but that isn’t something you or I can change in the next 4 years

    I'm not judging Republicans based on what Democrats are telling me... I'm judging them based on their words, actions, and written plans for a Trump presidency.

    Believe it or not, I consider myself a communist as well and I am certainly against US foreign policy as a whole. But I also think that sometimes practicality overrides principles. I didn't vote for Biden in 2020, but that was before I figured myself out and began transitioning. I don't like the Democrats either. But yes, I do consider them the lesser of two evils, and because I personally can't overhaul and revolutionize the system in the next 6 months, I choose to vote Biden.

  • May 23, 2024
    4 replies

    I unblocked just to check if they deleted it and it appears they did, but just for anyone else reading, Snowboy told me to kill myself. Twice!

  • sponge 🧽
    May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    I unblocked just to check if they deleted it and it appears they did, but just for anyone else reading, Snowboy told me to kill myself. Twice!

    u must be new to this internet thing bredren

  • May 23, 2024

    u must be new to this internet thing bredren

    not at all. but that doesn't make it alright.

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    I unblocked just to check if they deleted it and it appears they did, but just for anyone else reading, Snowboy told me to kill myself. Twice!


  • May 23, 2024

    Imagine me being scared of a Trump second term.

  • sponge 🧽
    May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    “ because I personally can't overhaul and revolutionize the system in the next 6 months, I choose to vote Biden.”

  • sponge 🧽
    May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    that’s some funny s*** right there

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    that’s some funny s*** right there

    try actually responding to my perspective in a constructive way!

  • sponge 🧽
    May 23, 2024
    1 reply


    Keep yourself safe king

  • These threads are always the same s*** over and over

  • sponge 🧽
    May 23, 2024

    try actually responding to my perspective in a constructive way!

    I might

  • May 23, 2024

    you can do whatever you like. but idk how you can't see the way you talked to me in this thread is absolutely deranged and out of line. I'm gonna go ahead and block you now, have a nice day!

    no, telling the thread that you matter more than the millions of people who have to die to sustain your way of life is what is "deranged". if we're being honest I did the kinder thing, since the mothers of dead palestinian children aren't on ktt and can't tell you these things to your face.

  • May 23, 2024
    1 reply

    Keep yourself safe king

  • sponge 🧽
    May 23, 2024

    Oh i responded to wrong person crine
