oh well better off that way
@ OP mentioning mike pence
I'm not judging Republicans based on what Democrats are telling me... I'm judging them based on their words, actions, and written plans for a Trump presidency.
Believe it or not, I consider myself a communist as well and I am certainly against US foreign policy as a whole. But I also think that sometimes practicality overrides principles. I didn't vote for Biden in 2020, but that was before I figured myself out and began transitioning. I don't like the Democrats either. But yes, I do consider them the lesser of two evils, and because I personally can't overhaul and revolutionize the system in the next 6 months, I choose to vote Biden.
As a communist you understand then that any gains within bourgeois parliament are temporary?
And yes, written plans for Project 2025 do exist but speaking in the future for what can happen based off the reality of what both bipartisan parties have done for working class people, specifically trans people id interesting to say the least
I’m glad you call yourself a communist but no serious communist is voting for either candidate with that mindset.
I’m voting for Claudia and Karina from the PSL, not that you asked. I have trans comrades that would tell you the same thing, in fact any serious Marxist would tell you voting for Biden out of any “damage reduction” is idealistic
That is like me voting for Biden because as a black man Republicans are more openly racist, thinking it will solve racism or police brutality in America.
Communists aren’t waiting around in bourgeois elections solely for one of the two major capitalist factions to be “less bad”, that’s a classic liberal talking point. They are on the ground organizing in different sects of life
No a revolution isn’t going to happen tomorrow or by November or in 5 years, nothing like that does.
You can vote for Biden with the mindset that Democrats are the “lesser evil” then sure, but that isn’t a realistic scenario to how the general conditions of the American working class have trended for the past 30 years.
Whether or not you believe that’s a failure of one or more parties being “more evil”, a failure in x,y,z branch of the government and who is in control or whatever doesn’t matter
I'm not judging Republicans based on what Democrats are telling me... I'm judging them based on their words, actions, and written plans for a Trump presidency.
Believe it or not, I consider myself a communist as well and I am certainly against US foreign policy as a whole. But I also think that sometimes practicality overrides principles. I didn't vote for Biden in 2020, but that was before I figured myself out and began transitioning. I don't like the Democrats either. But yes, I do consider them the lesser of two evils, and because I personally can't overhaul and revolutionize the system in the next 6 months, I choose to vote Biden.
"I consider myself a communist"
"my life as an American™️ is priority uno"
its funny bc for all your hemming and hawing about wanting to uphold progressive values this is exactly what someone like Matthew Heimbach believes.
As a communist you understand then that any gains within bourgeois parliament are temporary?
And yes, written plans for Project 2025 do exist but speaking in the future for what can happen based off the reality of what both bipartisan parties have done for working class people, specifically trans people id interesting to say the least
I’m glad you call yourself a communist but no serious communist is voting for either candidate with that mindset.
I’m voting for Claudia and Karina from the PSL, not that you asked. I have trans comrades that would tell you the same thing, in fact any serious Marxist would tell you voting for Biden out of any “damage reduction” is idealistic
That is like me voting for Biden because as a black man Republicans are more openly racist, thinking it will solve racism or police brutality in America.
Communists aren’t waiting around in bourgeois elections solely for one of the two major capitalist factions to be “less bad”, that’s a classic liberal talking point. They are on the ground organizing in different sects of life
No a revolution isn’t going to happen tomorrow or by November or in 5 years, nothing like that does.
You can vote for Biden with the mindset that Democrats are the “lesser evil” then sure, but that isn’t a realistic scenario to how the general conditions of the American working class have trended for the past 30 years.
Whether or not you believe that’s a failure of one or more parties being “more evil”, a failure in x,y,z branch of the government and who is in control or whatever doesn’t matter
Gains temporary or not, it's preferable to a loss.
I'd argue that voting for PSL candidates when there's realistically no way they even make a dent in the election results is what's idealistic.
I personally feel that the only way we could truly escape the capitalist hellscape we find ourselves in would be violent revolution. But I also know myself well enough to know that I'm not going to be the one organizing it. So when it's time, I will be there. But I'm not going to spend my time and energy fighting for something that I feel is impossible--a revolution through election.
did emu hoe ass go back on here to cry her b**** ass nazi tears in here again? just how much humiliation can one person take?!
f***ing feds itt trying to derail a thread that was already doomed from the start, please stop feeding these pieces of s***. our kids will get them just make sure you teach them how to operate a weapon
Gains temporary or not, it's preferable to a loss.
I'd argue that voting for PSL candidates when there's realistically no way they even make a dent in the election results is what's idealistic.
I personally feel that the only way we could truly escape the capitalist hellscape we find ourselves in would be violent revolution. But I also know myself well enough to know that I'm not going to be the one organizing it. So when it's time, I will be there. But I'm not going to spend my time and energy fighting for something that I feel is impossible--a revolution through election.
b**** is just sayin s***. putting you back on block cause you aren't even amusing anymore.
'im against the genocide but I wont vote against my interest' I think hoes like you should DIE
Aren’t both of them in favor of the genocide over there? Idk that’s the big point for me
As a communist you understand then that any gains within bourgeois parliament are temporary?
And yes, written plans for Project 2025 do exist but speaking in the future for what can happen based off the reality of what both bipartisan parties have done for working class people, specifically trans people id interesting to say the least
I’m glad you call yourself a communist but no serious communist is voting for either candidate with that mindset.
I’m voting for Claudia and Karina from the PSL, not that you asked. I have trans comrades that would tell you the same thing, in fact any serious Marxist would tell you voting for Biden out of any “damage reduction” is idealistic
That is like me voting for Biden because as a black man Republicans are more openly racist, thinking it will solve racism or police brutality in America.
Communists aren’t waiting around in bourgeois elections solely for one of the two major capitalist factions to be “less bad”, that’s a classic liberal talking point. They are on the ground organizing in different sects of life
No a revolution isn’t going to happen tomorrow or by November or in 5 years, nothing like that does.
You can vote for Biden with the mindset that Democrats are the “lesser evil” then sure, but that isn’t a realistic scenario to how the general conditions of the American working class have trended for the past 30 years.
Whether or not you believe that’s a failure of one or more parties being “more evil”, a failure in x,y,z branch of the government and who is in control or whatever doesn’t matter
Voting for PSL is LARP, and I’ve marched alongside both of them. If you’re gunna vote just vote for whichever of the 3 3rd party candidates is projected to get to 5% of the national vote
Voting for PSL is LARP, and I’ve marched alongside both of them. If you’re gunna vote just vote for whichever of the 3 3rd party candidates is projected to get to 5% of the national vote
just let folks vote how they want, that's the whole point of what people are saying
I'm voting for Kishore myself.
Gains temporary or not, it's preferable to a loss.
I'd argue that voting for PSL candidates when there's realistically no way they even make a dent in the election results is what's idealistic.
I personally feel that the only way we could truly escape the capitalist hellscape we find ourselves in would be violent revolution. But I also know myself well enough to know that I'm not going to be the one organizing it. So when it's time, I will be there. But I'm not going to spend my time and energy fighting for something that I feel is impossible--a revolution through election.
Revolution isn’t a one step process that involves people magically waking up to grab guns and overthrow the state
Every bit from political agitation to organizing in tenant unions to engaging in orgs for black liberation or better economic & healthcare rights for people in general or especially LGBTQ people are all sects that communists I know and across America are engaging in
Its not a process you or I will live to see thru.
Temporary gains and loss is moot when Democrats are “gaining” the proletariat anything and at most doing a more tepid version of what Republicans want to do
Organizing isn’t for everyone, but you have a fundamental misunderstanding it seems from how communists take power historically in general.
That is fine if you don’t see the merit in supporting anything outside of “violent revolution” but again waiting around for that to pop up is idealist and isn’t an accurate reflection of how commmnsits have taken power
There always ebbs and flows in every movement. Years go by where nothing seems to happen, defeats will be taken, etc.
In none of those scenarios (Russia, China, Vietnam, Cuba) was anything prevented by validating bourgeois parliament
There WAS a viable threat in the 50s-60s at the height of the Cold War and the threat of both internal and external communist influences on the American government and Democratic Party today
Aight before my serious effort post, I gotta get it out of the way the fact you said you're a communist but voting for biden is hilarious and you'd fit nicely in CPUSA
I understand (as much as I can without being trans myself) the fear that if a republican makes his way from hell into the oval office that discrimination against you could be increased, that's true and it's already happening under a democratic president while the states are kind of just doing whatever they want,
If you feel like voting for biden as far as harm reduction on that tip, I can't speak against it because I don't know what it feels like to have your existence played with like that because you know damn well 99% of these rich elites in office don't give a s*** to even know about trans issues.
That being said I do want to mention that Biden is a clear enemy of the working class and anything to the contrary has been pandering (posing at picket-lines while propping up the police and reminding us he's a capitalist every speech), and trans people are predominantly working class people hurt by biden, one, and additionally if u live in a red state you're kinda f***ed on that side unfortunately, also if you're a sexually active person with a uterus you're f***ed, or if you're just a working class person you're f***ed
I personally think the two parties that each serve corporations, capital, and (neo)colonialism, imperialism, and interfere with any country's people trying to liberate itself from the stranglehold of imperialism are going to continue to uphold the unjust empire so it doesn't matter which one you vote for,
Biden also is declining and I don't know how cognizant he is of really anything going on, I feel like in that state the only thing he can muster up is old Cold-war attitudes he's held forever and his generally reactionary responses as a proponent of genocide and the american war machine and capitalism so theres that
After reading some more of your posts I would quote @999Wrld 's post from earlier and just end by saying
Ultimately you personally have to do whatever works to take care of your own mental health. Materially it has no benefit but that isn’t something you or I can change in the next 4 years
Voting for PSL is LARP, and I’ve marched alongside both of them. If you’re gunna vote just vote for whichever of the 3 3rd party candidates is projected to get to 5% of the national vote
Im a member of PSL so id rather vote with a party I overall can articulate the message to other people and align most with
Voting third party doesn’t matter at this point anyways outside of spreading awareness and messaging and further disrupting two party duopoly so it’s not like communists efforts are all put into the outcome of bourgeois parliaments
I'm not telling anyone who to vote for, my own vote doesn't even matter since I live in a very republican sate..but I do think Trump is the worse option since he will stack the courts with very right wing judges
Also I don't think US foreign policy is disconnected from domestic policy
How the US treats people abroad does mirror how it treats its own people back home, people are suffering here as a policy choice of both dems and republicans
Also i hope OP knows how divisive the language in the title can be to some of us.
Also i hope OP knows how divisive the language in the title can be to some of us.
Here in politics sxn we like to keep this space safe for all people that's why whenever an argument gets too heated we can say something like "K.Y.S." (Keep Yourself Safe) to cool things down
Thanks for your input Plight!
Here in politics sxn we like to keep this space safe for all people that's why whenever an argument gets too heated we can say something like "K.Y.S." (Keep Yourself Safe) to cool things down
Thanks for your input Plight!
Slurs are never okay.
'im against the genocide but I wont vote against my interest' I think hoes like you should DIE
you're nearly as unhinged as Snowboy
Aight before my serious effort post, I gotta get it out of the way the fact you said you're a communist but voting for biden is hilarious and you'd fit nicely in CPUSA
I understand (as much as I can without being trans myself) the fear that if a republican makes his way from hell into the oval office that discrimination against you could be increased, that's true and it's already happening under a democratic president while the states are kind of just doing whatever they want,
If you feel like voting for biden as far as harm reduction on that tip, I can't speak against it because I don't know what it feels like to have your existence played with like that because you know damn well 99% of these rich elites in office don't give a s*** to even know about trans issues.
That being said I do want to mention that Biden is a clear enemy of the working class and anything to the contrary has been pandering (posing at picket-lines while propping up the police and reminding us he's a capitalist every speech), and trans people are predominantly working class people hurt by biden, one, and additionally if u live in a red state you're kinda f***ed on that side unfortunately, also if you're a sexually active person with a uterus you're f***ed, or if you're just a working class person you're f***ed
I personally think the two parties that each serve corporations, capital, and (neo)colonialism, imperialism, and interfere with any country's people trying to liberate itself from the stranglehold of imperialism are going to continue to uphold the unjust empire so it doesn't matter which one you vote for,
Biden also is declining and I don't know how cognizant he is of really anything going on, I feel like in that state the only thing he can muster up is old Cold-war attitudes he's held forever and his generally reactionary responses as a proponent of genocide and the american war machine and capitalism so theres that
After reading some more of your posts I would quote @999Wrld 's post from earlier and just end by saying
Ultimately you personally have to do whatever works to take care of your own mental health. Materially it has no benefit but that isn’t something you or I can change in the next 4 years
appreciate the serious post. I think I'm spent from this thread but your perspective is valid. ditto w/ 999wrld. the overly hostile folks in here can go f*** themselves