This kinda stuff reminds me about how expensive drinks be at bars/clubs here in Atlanta compared to a lot of other places, my part time job is at a night club here and we be charging $15 for Hennessy and cokes
You’re insane
she thought she was gonna get paid by association?
paying for the third wheel?
f*** up I bet the guy didn't even want you to come tag along he was just trynna chill with his girl
You’re insane
It’s the club prices not me those folks be looking crazy when they hear how much their drinks cost, I think it’s ridiculous too
I'll buy rounds of drinks for the table and cover that, but unless I specified that I was covering your meal beforehand, it's not happening sweetie
Lmaooo my girl don't even want me paying for her friends
ONLY scenario is if i'm throwing my girl a bday dinner & I pick up the tab
They cooking her dumbass
Not the face of unemployment
Looks like dude girl agree she weird she don’t know anybody involved
shes saying she's re-evaluating the relationship w the bird brain who tweeted the OG tweet. Not her man. Read correctly.
shes saying she's re-evaluating the relationship w the bird brain who tweeted the OG tweet. Not her man. Read correctly.
Nigga I don’t care, go quote somebody else
One of my friends currently doesn’t have a job and she is a girl. She got a bf who work but she asked if I could give her some money to get some doordash... and I told her no “that’s some simp s***”.
she replied saying,”it’s sad you think that way” , like cmon. You got a WHOLE NIGGA, why should I be giving you money lol.
Lmao she was trynna finesse