Why in the absolute f*** would he pay for her meal too? His ticket had to have been $50+ at minimum with him and his girl.
its a nice thing to do. I've done it before but I for sure don't feel the need to always do it.
One of my friends currently doesn’t have a job and she is a girl. She got a bf who work but she asked if I could give her some money to get some doordash... and I told her no “that’s some simp s***”.
she replied saying,”it’s sad you think that way” , like cmon. You got a WHOLE NIGGA, why should I be giving you money lol.
That's a violation, she knew what she was doing
if ive been paid recently and i heard her friends were talking s*** on me/her mayyyyybbbeee
That's a violation, she knew what she was doing
She kinda janky. I already had shorty spend the night with me recently, she told me don’t try no funny s*** before i scooped her, she was drunk aab when I got her and had that b**** sleep in my bed n all that but I ain’t do nothing frfr . I think she scoping out who got next, I got a feeling she bout to leave that nigga, I’d cuff but she getting the bare minimum from me, no way I’d take her seriously lmaooooo
I remember driving my girlfriend at the time to In-N-Out Burger when her friends decided to come along with us. Her girlfriends were convinced that I was going to cover their meals for them and gave me the death stare when I asked for separate orders. Basically ended a four-month relationship because she couldn't bring me around her girlfriends anymore.
I remember driving my girlfriend at the time to In-N-Out Burger when her friends decided to come along with us. Her girlfriends were convinced that I was going to cover their meals for them and gave me the death stare when I asked for separate orders. Basically ended a four-month relationship because she couldn't bring me around her girlfriends anymore.
smh probably for the best
I remember driving my girlfriend at the time to In-N-Out Burger when her friends decided to come along with us. Her girlfriends were convinced that I was going to cover their meals for them and gave me the death stare when I asked for separate orders. Basically ended a four-month relationship because she couldn't bring me around her girlfriends anymore.
lmbo thats mad. its a nice gesture to pay for it but it should never be expected.
Me and my gf pay in full alternating times
She pays one time
I pay the other
I do. It depends on your means tho. I don’t really care and I pay for everyone with me if we eat or go out.
I completely understand getting 2 checks in that situation tho.
You and Elon have the same net worth it’s different for us regular folk.
now if they wanna come back home and have A lil threesome thats a diff story
a nigga like me asking for three checks
I probably pay in full like 60% of the time and she does 40%. She has no problem splurging if we go somewhere expensive though and nor do I. We really don’t even talk about how we split the cost of things that much through tbh.
imagine being the third wheel and complaining about men
Issa reason they a third wheel