  • proper 🔩
    Jun 7, 2024
    hot pancakes

    Always loved this show. I identified with Arnold a lot and grew up similarly. Not exact. But similar

    u got a weird shaped head??

  • proper 🔩
    Jun 7, 2024
    Mr Motion

    Watching this again as an adult, certain episodes just have me bawling my eyes out. Such a great heartfelt series.

  • proper 🔩
    Jun 7, 2024

    Top five kids cartoon. Episodes aged remarkably well one of the few kids shows I can just throw on and watch today

  • proper 🔩
    Jun 7, 2024
    Block Muteson

    @sentient_sherm_bag profile pic always looks like Hey Arnold to me

    yoooooo i told u bro @sentient_sherm_bag

  • Jun 7, 2024
    1 reply

    been saying this the goat cartoon

    but most ppl on ktt younger than me so they part of the spongebob generation

    HA! is definitely the most deep and relatable animated kids’ show out there.
    It’s wild that I really got into it as a kid cus back then I didn’t always pick up on the themes and messages in certain episodes, which makes it so rewarding rewatching the series as an adult.

    If I were to point out one thing from the show that I really appreciated, it’s how dysfunctional Helga and every member of her family is.. which sets up such strong episodes & moments in the series. Her dad is lowkey an antagonist lmao but is hilarious af. Her mom is a bit too slow to the point where you wonder if she actually cares about being a positive role model as a mother. Her sister is Ms. Perfect but when cracks start to appear, it can all fall apart. And you know how Helga is lol.. such a bully but deep down she cares a lot.
    And that’s just how well-written ONE FAMILY is, when there are also a few other fascinating characters and family dynamics (like how Arnold and his neighbors can act like one big family).

    Hey Arnold! is an all-timer.

  • Jun 7, 2024
    1 reply
    AKA SB

    HA! is definitely the most deep and relatable animated kids’ show out there.
    It’s wild that I really got into it as a kid cus back then I didn’t always pick up on the themes and messages in certain episodes, which makes it so rewarding rewatching the series as an adult.

    If I were to point out one thing from the show that I really appreciated, it’s how dysfunctional Helga and every member of her family is.. which sets up such strong episodes & moments in the series. Her dad is lowkey an antagonist lmao but is hilarious af. Her mom is a bit too slow to the point where you wonder if she actually cares about being a positive role model as a mother. Her sister is Ms. Perfect but when cracks start to appear, it can all fall apart. And you know how Helga is lol.. such a bully but deep down she cares a lot.
    And that’s just how well-written ONE FAMILY is, when there are also a few other fascinating characters and family dynamics (like how Arnold and his neighbors can act like one big family).

    Hey Arnold! is an all-timer.

    The show is even deeper than it appears on the surface too. More than just being slow, alot of ppl speculate that helgas mom was a depressive alcoholic, and those "smoothies" she would always drink were laced lol. No proof obviously hut I wouldn't doubt it. Then there was chocolate boy who had an obsession with chocolate. That was straight addiction that they were addressing. Show was pretty freakin dark if you can read between the lines man.

  • proper 🔩
    Jun 7, 2024

    The show is even deeper than it appears on the surface too. More than just being slow, alot of ppl speculate that helgas mom was a depressive alcoholic, and those "smoothies" she would always drink were laced lol. No proof obviously hut I wouldn't doubt it. Then there was chocolate boy who had an obsession with chocolate. That was straight addiction that they were addressing. Show was pretty freakin dark if you can read between the lines man.

  • Jun 7, 2024

    It’s one of my favorite shows ever

  • proper 🔩
    Jun 7, 2024
    1 reply
  • proper 🔩
    Jun 7, 2024

    Dude did countless things for the community and his family and friends but how he found Mr. Hyunh's daughter in like 2 days (with Helgas help) after he couldnt find her for 10 years was just crazy.
    Nigga just needed to go downtown to a social services place

    All that aside, one of the best episodes of a cartoon of all time and is why Hey Arnold was such a cool cartoon with actual depth. They dont make em like that no more.

    Without context of seeing the entire episode, it might not do much but how can you not get teary eyed from this


  • Jun 7, 2024
    Block Muteson

    @sentient_sherm_bag profile pic always looks like Hey Arnold to me


  • Jun 7, 2024


    I gotta run this in full one day now that not having cable isn't stopping anyone anymore

    What are some of your favorite episodes?

  • Jun 7, 2024
    1 reply

    I wonder when was the last time ppl rewatched the entire show and if they did it in one go or over a long period of time

    I rewatched it last year and ngl it loses a lot of steam somewhere midway through. just so many throwaway repetitive episodes, a lot of animation got kinda bad too. afaik their budget got tighter by the end and the production overall wasnt as smooth as it was back when it started

    it got to the point that I stopped calling it one of the best shows ever, I get that people might love it more than I do but I honestly feel like we're blinded by nostalgia somewhat and more ppl will find it less fulfilling if they ever go back to rewatching past the highlights

  • Jun 7, 2024

    as you grow older you realize that if it was real life his classmates would absolutely hate Arnold. motherfucker wanted to get into everyones s***. not saying he didnt do them some good in the meantime though

    Mr smith should’ve clapped him

  • proper 🔩
    Jun 7, 2024

    I wonder when was the last time ppl rewatched the entire show and if they did it in one go or over a long period of time

    I rewatched it last year and ngl it loses a lot of steam somewhere midway through. just so many throwaway repetitive episodes, a lot of animation got kinda bad too. afaik their budget got tighter by the end and the production overall wasnt as smooth as it was back when it started

    it got to the point that I stopped calling it one of the best shows ever, I get that people might love it more than I do but I honestly feel like we're blinded by nostalgia somewhat and more ppl will find it less fulfilling if they ever go back to rewatching past the highlights

  • Jun 7, 2024
    Block Muteson

    @sentient_sherm_bag profile pic always looks like Hey Arnold to me

    holy f*** i’m glad i’m not the only one

  • Jun 7, 2024
    1 reply

    Really glad I went back and watched the whole show as an adult. It held up.

  • Jun 7, 2024

    Arnold prolly my favorite childhood character

    The bird man episode was phenomenal as an adult

  • Jun 7, 2024

    i have very fond memories of this show but damn if i watch it as an adult imma bawl my eyes out 😭

  • Jun 8, 2024

    Really glad I went back and watched the whole show as an adult. It held up.

    Random but it always bothered me that this gif is from the scene before Arnold gets mugged. It felt uneasy each time I’d watch it because when I saw it the first time I was lowkey terrified

  • Jun 8, 2024

    been saying this the goat cartoon

    but most ppl on ktt younger than me so they part of the spongebob generation

    Crazy thing is, Spongebob was amazing as well for like the first 3 or 4 seasons. Then it just went in a totally different direction. Funny that the show was better when the animation looked worse.