Testing's unique collage style production with wild samples coming out of nowhere & weird short vocal guest appearances from other artists is similar to Jai Paul's style
No rapper has dropped an album similar to Testing same as Jai
also before someone joke bout Nav being Jai Paul of rap (cause they both india)
I mean jai pauls demos had a lot of heads tuned in for years, just off demos. Jai hasnt dropped much but in terms of influence and s*** yeah rocky has him but in terms of musical talent? Idk about that one.
I went off from your claim but if anyone in rap its jay elec
Why do some of you attempt to be horrible posters, stinking up this site with your s***ty opinions? Like what do you gain from it?
Do people in real life actually like Testing? I've never heard anyone say they enjoyed it
The only songs I took away from it were A$AP Forever, Praise the Lord, Brotha Man and Purity
If u see @boobdylan thread
do not bother to even open it