Do people in real life actually like Testing? I've never heard anyone say they enjoyed it
The only songs I took away from it were A$AP Forever, Praise the Lord, Brotha Man and Purity
man omitted buckshots but included brothaman lol
man omitted buckshots but included brothaman lol
i have sang brotha man buttass naked black out drunk before
not even close. the jai paul of rap is carti if we talkin being ahead of the curve or jay electronica if we talking failed potential
not even close. the jai paul of rap is carti if we talkin being ahead of the curve or jay electronica if we talking failed potential
ahead of the curb, everything carti does has been done
s*** is lowkey racist
*HIGHKEY, thats why i put it on op before some dumbass made the tired nav joke which ktt2 does all the time
*HIGHKEY, thats why i put it on op before some dumbass made the tired nav joke which ktt2 does all the time
i've never seen anybody compare nav to jai paul because they're both indian though...
Bro testing wasnt even that good lol i love rocky but cmon now
people saying TESTING wasn't good wouldn't touch another project of Rocky doing the same thing he did on LLA.
let artists grow their sound, there's already too many hiphop acts doing cookie-cutter pop rap.