Sold Valhalla a few weeks ago after getting like 40 hours in lmao
Origins is still the best game out of the RPG trilogy by FAR
Origins' world was just so much more interesting, immersive and actually felt lived in, whereas Valhalla just felt horribly dull
Origins doesn't get enough credit tbh
Idk I always see a lot of love for Origins. I feel like Odyssey is more underrated
Idk I always see a lot of love for Origins. I feel like Odyssey is more underrated
Facts but I guess I mean more as in the original reception of it and to ppl outside the AC community calling it a bad Witcher clone etc
Odyssey is great as well tho, Alexios' running animation pisses me off in that game tho idk why
Bayek ran like he was actually sprinting but Alexios looks like he's out for a quiet jog
Sold Valhalla a few weeks ago after getting like 40 hours in lmao
Origins is still the best game out of the RPG trilogy by FAR
Origins' world was just so much more interesting, immersive and actually felt lived in, whereas Valhalla just felt horribly dull
Origins doesn't get enough credit tbh
Cause Egypt goat
Facts but I guess I mean more as in the original reception of it and to ppl outside the AC community calling it a bad Witcher clone etc
Odyssey is great as well tho, Alexios' running animation pisses me off in that game tho idk why
Bayek ran like he was actually sprinting but Alexios looks like he's out for a quiet jog
Big fax
Cause Egypt goat
No lies here, I usually don't like when they get too into the fantasy / myth stuff but they did it perfectly in Origins
I don't think I've played Origins before but I'm going to get it now. I loved Valhalla. The story was great too except for the ending part I thought
Cause Egypt goat
I'm tempted to get origins rn cause it's on sale but I was turned off by odyssey cause of how boring it was. U think origins worth 15 bucks
I'm tempted to get origins rn cause it's on sale but I was turned off by odyssey cause of how boring it was. U think origins worth 15 bucks
Yes bro. I just bought it
I'm tempted to get origins rn cause it's on sale but I was turned off by odyssey cause of how boring it was. U think origins worth 15 bucks
Haven’t played Odyssey yet, but I wasn’t bored by Origins. Story wasn’t the best, but Bayek (main character) was pretty good.
I just bought the DLC and will play it soon
Sold Valhalla a few weeks ago after getting like 40 hours in lmao
Origins is still the best game out of the RPG trilogy by FAR
Origins' world was just so much more interesting, immersive and actually felt lived in, whereas Valhalla just felt horribly dull
Origins doesn't get enough credit tbh
I've played all the 3 new ones and I agree. Origins is much better than the other two. I liked Valhalla as well but I feel like Origins has more Assassin related elements and the story has been much better so far
Can’t wait to play Origins.
Y’all recommend I play Syndicate or just watch like a recap vid to get it out the way?
Finally wrapped this one up after roughly 90 hours not a bad game but one with a LOT of issues. Story-wise, gameplay wise, performance wise. I did kind of like the ending though. I just wish it were shorter and more focused. Odyssey is a much better game imo, and still my favorite of the series
Finally wrapped this one up after roughly 90 hours not a bad game but one with a LOT of issues. Story-wise, gameplay wise, performance wise. I did kind of like the ending though. I just wish it were shorter and more focused. Odyssey is a much better game imo, and still my favorite of the series
Odyssey underrated fr. Origins always gets the shine, which I get bc it’s also a great game but Odyssey never gets any love. Game is fun af
I beat the main story a few weeks ago and haven’t been back on since. There some new s*** dropping any time soon? Or should I just start a new game at this point lmao
I beat the main story a few weeks ago and haven’t been back on since. There some new s*** dropping any time soon? Or should I just start a new game at this point lmao
I heard within 2-3 weeks, apparently a big patch & new festival coming next week
I heard within 2-3 weeks, apparently a big patch & new festival coming next week
In 👀
Finally wrapped this one up after roughly 90 hours not a bad game but one with a LOT of issues. Story-wise, gameplay wise, performance wise. I did kind of like the ending though. I just wish it were shorter and more focused. Odyssey is a much better game imo, and still my favorite of the series
90 hours to beat an Assassin’s Creed game just sounds absurd lmao
90 hours to beat an Assassin’s Creed game just sounds absurd lmao
To be fair, I did do a lot of the side content at first and was making sure all my armor was upgraded, which probably added an additional 20 hours for me.
With that being said, is is absolutely absurd. The game has an episodic structure where you’re conquering england one region at a time, but there are so f***ing many arcs and they’re all the same. Sometimes you’ll get a good arc with engaging drama/interesting characters, but they’re few and far between.
There’s also content that you don’t have to complete to see the “real” ending, but the ending of the story makes no sense without completing it.
I’m glad I finished the game but it easily could have been pared down to 30-40 hours.
Why did they take away the ability to change the way your armor looks without changing the stats it applied from Odyssey?
hm i got watch dogs over this and so its a snoozefest lol i heard this was pretty boring but i might cop i really enjoyed origins but i hated odyssey i didnt like the boat s***
hm i got watch dogs over this and so its a snoozefest lol i heard this was pretty boring but i might cop i really enjoyed origins but i hated odyssey i didnt like the boat s***
Valhalla doesn’t have the ship bs like odyssey, outside of all the bugs and glitches (god damn there are a lot lol) it’s a solid game imo.
hm i got watch dogs over this and so its a snoozefest lol i heard this was pretty boring but i might cop i really enjoyed origins but i hated odyssey i didnt like the boat s***
Valhalla can be pretty good, looks amazing but it becomes super repetitive after a while. if you can cop for $30 that's a decent price for it