You’re not the only one
I just skimmed the last few pages and thought I was tripping bruh. I’ve played every single AC and this is the only one that made me put the controller down after an hour of gameplay. Not even Syndicate did that to me. I have no idea what they’ve been doing but it definitely isn’t good. Does it at least get better as you progress and level up?
I just skimmed the last few pages and thought I was tripping bruh. I’ve played every single AC and this is the only one that made me put the controller down after an hour of gameplay. Not even Syndicate did that to me. I have no idea what they’ve been doing but it definitely isn’t good. Does it at least get better as you progress and level up?
It’s seriously one of the most buggiest games I’ve ever played
It’s seriously one of the most buggiest games I’ve ever played
Takes me back to the Unity days where people said it’s one of the buggiest games they’ve ever played lmao. I’m probably gonna give this another try one of these days and hope I get accustomed to the gameplay, but got damn, these first impressions ain’t it 😭😭
Am I the only one who thinks the gameplay in this is chunky as hell? Like fighting doesn’t feel smooth at all. You kinda jump into nowhere all the time and it feels so random. Climbing/running doesn’t feel as good to me either. I’m playing on a PS5 and it’s supposed to be smooth af, yet it’s the opposite. Maybe I’m just too used to Ghost of Tsushima but this s*** is almost unplayable to me
These are how the past 3 entries have been. The reason it seems apparent now is because this time around the characters are s*** and the story is mid. They need to go either go back to the old formula or take notes from sucker punch on how to take on this style
Just started playing Origins.
Why tf did I wait so long. I’ve had this game for a f***ing year & tried forcing myself to finish Syndicate. F*** that game.
Origins is literally the GOAT game I’ve ever played.
Just started playing Origins.
Why tf did I wait so long. I’ve had this game for a f***ing year & tried forcing myself to finish Syndicate. F*** that game.
Origins is literally the GOAT game I’ve ever played.
Wanted to like because Egypt is a cool setting and bayek is a great character, but I found the game incredibly boring. Also the combat is awful to me
2 parter that starts in Odyssey and ends in Valhalla???
I f*** with that heavy
I never finished Valhalla and have been wanting to hop back into it and this might just be how
Baby gurl Kassie coming back
finished the Odyssey version of the crossover the other night. Kassandra
finna continue with the Valhalla one soon
Lol why the op still say "announced"
I left KTT some weeks after making this thread lmao
Surprised someone didn't make a new thread either like they did Xbox
I left KTT some weeks after making this thread lmao
Surprised someone didn't make a new thread either like they did Xbox
Was wondering where you went I even posted “OP just made this thread and dipped” a while back lmao
Was wondering where you went I even posted “OP just made this thread and dipped” a while back lmao
lmao I basically was on Discord this whole time and really wasn't checking KTT at all.
They’re really going forward with the fantasy thing huh
As they should.
Another $30 dlc, good lord man
They dropped the price to $30? Actually might cop now, I thought it was more
As they should.
They had something interesting with the history based games. Oh well
They’re really going forward with the fantasy thing huh
They didn’t go fantasy for the first 2 expansions so they said they wanted to switch it up for the 3rd expansion
They’re really going forward with the fantasy thing huh
been fantasy since day 1
They had something interesting with the history based games. Oh well
And some of y’all got bored with it and said they need to switch up the formula.