  • Jun 14, 2022
  • Jun 19, 2022
    4 replies

    I'm playing AC2 on Ezio Collection rn, please tell me the next 2 games aren't this clunky even for 2009 standards. JFC

  • PIMP 💿
    Jun 19, 2022

    I'm playing AC2 on Ezio Collection rn, please tell me the next 2 games aren't this clunky even for 2009 standards. JFC

    It's Ubisoft what did u think it would be

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jun 19, 2022

    I'm playing AC2 on Ezio Collection rn, please tell me the next 2 games aren't this clunky even for 2009 standards. JFC

    Felt fine playing it back then

    But I don’t think the core elements change much until the reboot to an rpg like base in the Egypt one

  • Jun 20, 2022

    I'm playing AC2 on Ezio Collection rn, please tell me the next 2 games aren't this clunky even for 2009 standards. JFC

    It’ll keep polishing and getting refined until Syndicate, and then change completely.

    You can do what I did: Play 1-4 (BF), skip straight to Origins & then play from there.

    Rogue, Unity & Syndicate are nice, but have little to do with the main modern story.

  • Jun 20, 2022
    1 reply

    Origins was the incredible reboot the franchise needed, amazing game.

    Also like Valhalla a lot, although I can see how the tedious “king-making” aspect of the game tires on people.

    It’s really amazing if you just binge through the main quest line.

  • Jul 13, 2022
    2 replies

    how would y’all feel about a modern day or like cyberpunk setting for an assassins creed game

  • Scatt

    how would y’all feel about a modern day or like cyberpunk setting for an assassins creed game

    I’ll take it

  • Jul 14, 2022

    Are these games even about assassins anymore? This new s*** looks like Skyrim

  • Jul 25, 2022

    Greatest game franchise of all time. Nearly every single installment is remarkable. Origins and Black Flag are my personal favorites

  • Jul 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Origins was the incredible reboot the franchise needed, amazing game.

    Also like Valhalla a lot, although I can see how the tedious “king-making” aspect of the game tires on people.

    It’s really amazing if you just binge through the main quest line.

    Just finished Origins. My favorite single player game of all time probably. The story is perfection

  • Jul 26, 2022
    2 replies
    cole breezy

    Just finished Origins. My favorite single player game of all time probably. The story is perfection

    Glad to hear u liked it broski. It’s literally SO good, that I’m finishing Valhalla first and then buying the 2 DLC’s for Origins and reinstalling it.

    Like that’s just how good it is. I want to know how Bayeks story truly ends (doesn’t explain it fully at end of Origins).

    Most likely won’t get DoR for Valhalla.

  • Jul 26, 2022
    1 reply

    Glad to hear u liked it broski. It’s literally SO good, that I’m finishing Valhalla first and then buying the 2 DLC’s for Origins and reinstalling it.

    Like that’s just how good it is. I want to know how Bayeks story truly ends (doesn’t explain it fully at end of Origins).

    Most likely won’t get DoR for Valhalla.

    I’m onto Odyssey next. Very excited but I want to 100% this first, including DLCs

  • Jul 26, 2022
    1 reply
    cole breezy

    I’m onto Odyssey next. Very excited but I want to 100% this first, including DLCs

    Valhalla’s really interesting if you read a few “Middle Ages” books growing up (like about King Arthur, Excalibur, s*** like that). I really like it, although the main story REEEALLY drags on (60h+ minimum main story, freaking MENTAL). I’m only doing the main quest first, no side quests at all (minus the daily contracts for a certain someone, that mf gives good rewards).

    You basically go around making ambitious men kings & forging political alliances (for your own Viking clan).

    It deals with the Nordic invasions of England.

  • Jul 26, 2022
    2 replies

    Valhalla’s really interesting if you read a few “Middle Ages” books growing up (like about King Arthur, Excalibur, s*** like that). I really like it, although the main story REEEALLY drags on (60h+ minimum main story, freaking MENTAL). I’m only doing the main quest first, no side quests at all (minus the daily contracts for a certain someone, that mf gives good rewards).

    You basically go around making ambitious men kings & forging political alliances (for your own Viking clan).

    It deals with the Nordic invasions of England.

    I’ve heard it’s best to just avoid the king stuff.

    60+ hours

  • Jul 26, 2022
    cole breezy

    I’ve heard it’s best to just avoid the king stuff.

    60+ hours

    Bro that’s the thing you can’t avoid it its part of the main story

    You just run around making 120lbs 5’6 little dweebs kings for clan alliances Eivor just the plug for royalty.

    There’s nothing overtly noble like Bayek’s reason for stirring the pot (revenge). Literally Eivor and their band are in it for glory & to have a legendary life lol

  • Jul 26, 2022
    1 reply
    cole breezy

    I’ve heard it’s best to just avoid the king stuff.

    60+ hours

    you heard it’s best to avoid the main game?

  • Jul 26, 2022
    1 reply

    you heard it’s best to avoid the main game?

    I don’t know s*** about the game

    The article I read said to avoid the king s*** as much as possible and stuck to the main story

  • Jul 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Glad to hear u liked it broski. It’s literally SO good, that I’m finishing Valhalla first and then buying the 2 DLC’s for Origins and reinstalling it.

    Like that’s just how good it is. I want to know how Bayeks story truly ends (doesn’t explain it fully at end of Origins).

    Most likely won’t get DoR for Valhalla.

    The Hidden Ones DLC shows the end of his story, sorta. Definitely resolves a little more. I just finished it

  • Jul 27, 2022
    cole breezy

    I don’t know s*** about the game

    The article I read said to avoid the king s*** as much as possible and stuck to the main story

    Think that article might’ve been misleading. Going around & helping men secure power is what moves the main story along. It’s a LOT of politics. Now, of course, there is the element of “Hidden ones vs Ancient ones” sprinkled throughout, but the protagonist is really in it for himself (kinda like Edward from Ac4). He just wants to be known for achieving glory for his Viking clan in England.

    I’m still having lots of fun playing it though. I enjoyed some of the King Arthur-like stories growing up.

  • Jul 27, 2022
    cole breezy

    The Hidden Ones DLC shows the end of his story, sorta. Definitely resolves a little more. I just finished it

    Bet. Next time Ubisoft has a sale, I might get the Origins DLCs.

  • Jul 30, 2022
    2 replies

    Odyssey is cool so far. Can’t believe I just killed my stepfather like 10min into the game

    Very different take on a protagonist in this one. He’s a bit of a bully

  • Aug 2, 2022
    2 replies
    cole breezy

    Odyssey is cool so far. Can’t believe I just killed my stepfather like 10min into the game

    Very different take on a protagonist in this one. He’s a bit of a bully

    you should’ve chose the girl

  • Aug 2, 2022
    cole breezy

    Odyssey is cool so far. Can’t believe I just killed my stepfather like 10min into the game

    Very different take on a protagonist in this one. He’s a bit of a bully

    Falls off immediately and you start getting sent on 100 fetch quests, such a bloated game that could’ve been good if it was half as long tbh

  • Aug 2, 2022

    you should’ve chose the girl

    You’re probably right. Voice actor was atrocious for Alexios.

    Game is cool tho. Origins was 100x better story-wise
