how’s the remaster ? i got the og and can do backwards compatible but wondering if it’s worth the upgrade
how’s the remaster ? i got the og and can do backwards compatible but wondering if it’s worth the upgrade
it failed to loadany time I tried it on PC. probably fine on consoles though
Odyssey a 4/10 game at best, most quests were terrible, only likable character was Cassandra, combat was super bland
damn so you never played the game then
i feel bad for anyone actually into these games past like 2016. gaming has come sooooo much further than Assassin’s Creed lol idk how anyone can still enjoy these games tbh
and it’s not a case of these games becoming “classics” due to their popularity and age. their age only serves to highlight their flaws imo
need an fps boost for the 3 remake, at this point I feel like it’s the only one not running at 60fps
i feel bad for anyone actually into these games past like 2016. gaming has come sooooo much further than Assassin’s Creed lol idk how anyone can still enjoy these games tbh
and it’s not a case of these games becoming “classics” due to their popularity and age. their age only serves to highlight their flaws imo
Imagine crying because some people enjoy these games
3 really is the best
Ubisoft somehow made a game focusing on the American Revolution boring af
Also the ending for 3 has to be the most disappointing ending to a video game ever made me not wanna buy another AC game until Origins
odyssey is the best from the new three wow i really like this
Gotta remember that it went up against RDR2 and god of war for GOTY at the game awards the year it came out and held it’s own, it’s always been great people just never gave it a fair shot because it was just another assassins creed
odyssey is the best from the new three wow i really like this
Maybe gameplay wise.
Narratively and being an AC game, Origins>>>>>
Ending of mirage is weird but they tie it in really nicely to Valhalla and really explain how he becomes the way he is in that game.
Mirage overall like a 7.8/10. Ive had a lot of fun, story is pretty good, but missions can feel like they are repeating themselves a lot. I still think Origins is better
Maybe gameplay wise.
Narratively and being an AC game, Origins>>>>>
idk i like the story in this more
but i also just like the time period it’s in more
i also never finished origins just got too bored of it
origins has the best storyline and world but odyssey has the best gameplay imo. valhalla is just ass. enjoying mirage so far i don’t think it really feels like the older games like advertised though
origins has the best storyline and world but odyssey has the best gameplay imo. valhalla is just ass. enjoying mirage so far i don’t think it really feels like the older games like advertised though
The stealth is definitely much more like the older games. The use of tools feels very AC Unity.
They allow you to get pretty creative
How’s the antagonist? Haven’t liked one since Black Flag
You mean protagonist? Because the antagonist is usually a spoiler, and you don’t figure out who they are until the very end in most ac games
You mean protagonist? Because the antagonist is usually a spoiler, and you don’t figure out who they are until the very end in most ac games
Yeah, it just sometimes I feel like they don’t have enough time to develop. That’s prob why I liked Brotherhood’s so much cause you knew immediately to hate them
mirage is a huge improvement, it’s not a huge bloated mess, they trimmed all the fat and just gave us a big city to explore. roaming the beautiful city and collecting and learning the history and doing the tales of Baghdad is just a super relaxing time. the game is just a chill vibe. ending was kinda what I thought would happen but they executed it really well.