they paywalled a photomode filter for the ultimate edition wtf is wrong with ubisoft
They already called this phase 3 of the franchise. They're overhauling everything, combat, parkour, world design etc.
Get ready for another AC game to be priced at 70 dollars, bloated with filler content, and microtransactions
what’s sad is mirage wasn’t even bloated and it was still mid, I have hopes that maybe they’ll learn from their mistakes one day and make a good AC again, I hope this is it because Japan is such a great setting for this type of game
they paywalled a photomode filter for the ultimate edition wtf is wrong with ubisoft
not sure how im gonna live without the red dragon filter
5 extra skill points tho
when will they stop
what’s sad is mirage wasn’t even bloated and it was still mid, I have hopes that maybe they’ll learn from their mistakes one day and make a good AC again, I hope this is it because Japan is such a great setting for this type of game
Series died with AC3 for me, the entire build up for Desmond's character arc was him putting his hand on a pedestal and dying made me not wanna buy another AC game until Origins
Me buying AC Odyssey was the biggest mistake of my life all because I enjoyed Origins so much, what an absolute snoozefest that game was and it reminded me why I hated modern day Ubisoft, never AGAIN
Series died with AC3 for me, the entire build up for Desmond's character arc was him putting his hand on a pedestal and dying made me not wanna buy another AC game until Origins
Died with AC3? When Black Flag exists?
Me buying AC Odyssey was the biggest mistake of my life all because I enjoyed Origins so much, what an absolute snoozefest that game was and it reminded me why I hated modern day Ubisoft, never AGAIN
still can’t believe they f***ed up Ancient Greece considering what an interesting world that could’ve been, they filled it with fetch quests and those weren’t even side quests lmao they made the MAIN quests fetch quests like wtf were they thinking
when will they stop shame. Division games are actually pretty good
Ghost is not a sci-fi game about a mystical artifacts created by ancient superhumans and world domination like AC.
You know they'll end up being compared. And it's not a good look if Ubisoft, on their like 13th main entry of this franchise, drop a game that doesn't measure up to a new IP and uncharted territory for Sucker Punch.
f*** a cinematic trailer lmao who cares about that? show us gameplay
they never premiering gameplay as game first looks anymore lol GTA VI the same way its a long preorder con