Someone made one that got wiped for some reason
damn cj poopin prolly reported it for being an evil marketing tactic
knowing it'll trigger racists
knowing the racists will in-turn trigger the buffoons like @MilesMorales
it's called a "marketing plan" and it is evil - i work in marketing and have seen what i believe to be "evil" points in many different SWOT a***ysis reports, the literally point of marketing is to be prejudice in choosing a target audience so that u aren't wasting money advertising to people who won't buy - it's all planned and as technical as u can get
evil in the sense that, as i said above, the corporations involved use tokenism and reactionary symbolism as a way to trigger people thus creating MASSIVE amounts of engagement hoping that from the TENS OF MILLIONS of people who see all the drama, a larger % will buy or at least try the game
actual "evil" isn't real of course but u know what we mean
This shouldn’t be controversial lmao, it’s exactly what these companies do and plain as day to see
This shouldn’t be controversial lmao, it’s exactly what these companies do and plain as day to see
gaming is actually the least worrysome industry too
and normies and generally unintelligent types get so caught up in it every time
damn cj poopin prolly reported it for being an evil marketing tactic
it was my thread LMAO
and nobody was using it so i said f*** it
these people really digged deep in their bag to showcase their hatred for this.
N people be telling you to have compassion for these people man lol
I was expecting conversation about the first civilisation and deep Adam eve AC lore but instead I’m reading cringeworthy terminally online people arguing on both sides of yet another dead on arrival racial debate
Manufactured outrage from both sides this is beautiful
Congratulations for making me sound like an enlightened centrist
Just nuke this thread at this point @team
Started playing AC2 again, swear this never gets old. Such classic
AC2 inspired the voyage that changed my life and although I can’t really replay it because I don’t think it aged as well as you do, I have an eternal debt of gratitude to that game
I hope I stumble upon it soon and am proved wrong though
AC2 inspired the voyage that changed my life and although I can’t really replay it because I don’t think it aged as well as you do, I have an eternal debt of gratitude to that game
I hope I stumble upon it soon and am proved wrong though
Of course the visuals are ass nowadays but the story and how much fun the game is, definitely worth playing again
Shadows animations looking pretty good. The art style don't got s*** on Tsushima though. Tsushima is so freaking beautiful
Finally Assassin's Creed is looking next gen. Looked incredible to me. But of course people still not happy
Finally Assassin's Creed is looking next gen. Looked incredible to me. But of course people still not happy
i thought it looked great, but not as beautiful as tsushima
@rhinocerosbeetle nephew what it look like? This gotta mini map with gps?
I need niggaz to tell me if the new one finna have a mini map or not?
didn't see one
So we supposed to just guess where tf we going tf
@rhinocerosbeetle nephew what it look like? This gotta mini map with gps?
Afraid not.
Game looks more interesting than the last few installments, but man, given the size of the team and the budget I don’t understand why the game looks so “janky” especially in comparison to something like GoT, which has a kind of “premium” flair to that this series has been lacking for years now.
Also, the VO for the shonobi protag is legit bad.