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    Feel like the thing that could most drag this game down from being truly great is the writing, not much indication that it’ll be a significant step up from previous entries.

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    Feel like the thing that could most drag this game down from being truly great is the writing, not much indication that it’ll be a significant step up from previous entries.

    Valhalla and Odyssey was terible tbh cant remember any good s***

  • Anyone knows how much will be that dlc from preoder after release?

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    Valhalla and Odyssey was terible tbh cant remember any good s***

    Thought people liked Odyssey as far as new era AC goes

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    The part in unity where the animus glitches, fast forwards time and ends up in WW2 France

    They should’ve done more stuff like that in future games that felt really fresh

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    Thought people liked Odyssey as far as new era AC goes

    The writing was so dogshit, boring quest design, storyline fell apart at the end, god awful dlc, pretty much Kassandra was a good protagonist and that’s all it had going for it

    Idk how they f***ed up a game with so much potential, I mean Ancient Greece is just ripe for cool s***

  • CrimsonArk

    Feel like the thing that could most drag this game down from being truly great is the writing, not much indication that it’ll be a significant step up from previous entries.

    What about repetitive missions and reused animations

  • maxxing

    The writing was so dogshit, boring quest design, storyline fell apart at the end, god awful dlc, pretty much Kassandra was a good protagonist and that’s all it had going for it

    Idk how they f***ed up a game with so much potential, I mean Ancient Greece is just ripe for cool s***

    Damn was looking forward to playing that after liking Origins

  • Everest

    The part in unity where the animus glitches, fast forwards time and ends up in WW2 France

    They should’ve done more stuff like that in future games that felt really fresh

    I’m still mad they didn’t capitalize off this, could’ve been it’s own game

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  • Everest

    Reviews leaked

    Bunch of 8-9’s

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    My final Metacritic prediction is 87, lock it in

  • Reminder if you're using Ubisoft plus premium on Xbox you can preload the game by using the Xbox app

  • Everest

    Reviews leaked

    Bunch of 8-9’s

  • The this day, still why I love Origins so much. Loved this setting. Had been waiting forever for an open world game (or just AAA game in general) with Ancient Egypt setting. They nailed it.

    Hopefully this is more like Origins in that aspect, as far as setting goes. And I hope it looks better and more beautiful than ghost. It's on new hardware so there really is no excuse. I'm excited.

  • copping in 4 months for $20

  • Drezo

    My final Metacritic prediction is 87, lock it in

    Sounds accurate, and that's actually extremely good for any game, but of course people will consider anything under a 90 a disappointment for some odd reason. I'm gonna go a tad lower though and say 84-85ish. There will definitely be some reviews that aren't necessarily negative, but will dock points for it being "to similar" to the last few games of the RPG era.

  • If I gets better than mirage, which got mid-70s, I’ll consider it a W

    we’ll see

  • Valhalla got 8's and 9's too, wait for in depth reviews

  • Is there early access to this via Ubisoft + ?