  • Nov 24, 2019

    Taurus fam here (πŸ‘†Aquarius , πŸŒ™ Sagittarius)

    Op soon.

  • Nov 24, 2019
    1 reply

    Sun: Aquarius
    Moon: Virgo
    Rising: Taurus

    reporting for duty, aqua gang.

    @Chun we out here.

  • Nov 24, 2019

    Virgo checking in

  • Nov 24, 2019
    2 replies

    libra boy we in

  • Nov 24, 2019

    Threads made every week.

  • Nov 25, 2019

    Sun: Aquarius
    Moon: Virgo
    Rising: Taurus

    reporting for duty, aqua gang.

    @Chun we out here.

  • Nov 25, 2019

    rising: capricorn
    sun: aquarius
    moon: cancer

  • Nov 25, 2019

    my girl and i are a perfect match too

    she's a gemini sun, scorpio moon, cancer venus

    im a pisces venus

  • Scorpio Sun and a Pisces Moon my life is a mess

  • hot pancakes πŸ₯ž
    Nov 25, 2019


  • Nov 25, 2019


  • May 23, 2020
    1 reply

    wish this s*** wasnt real but it feel like it is

    Aries Sun, ascendant and moon cancer gang (very specific)

  • May 23, 2020
    1 reply

    this is going about the idea in the completely wrong way

    of course if you make a really generalized response like this everyone will think that its applicable to them, you're not disproving astrology, you're just proving a point that you can make generalized enough responses that seem correct to any human.

    personally when i read my star chart i found that it was very accurate and different from the responses that my friends got, which in turn were relevant to them but not to me

    its also important to note that its not just what you are but how the different houses interact

    but i don't think you're really interested you just want to start s*** huh

  • May 23, 2020
    1 reply

    blindly thinking that astrology is impossible people are on the same level as the brain dead individuals who take it as straight fact

    like any data set it requires interpretation

  • May 23, 2020
    1 reply

    blindly thinking that astrology is impossible people are on the same level as the brain dead individuals who take it as straight fact

    like any data set it requires interpretation

    so from your experience of interpretation you believe in it?

    had a friend try to show me this and it is hard to dismiss there being these hard generalisations but it seemingly pairing up alright with whatever star sign you are

  • May 23, 2020

    it also requires you to be conscious of listening to yourself select what you quality or traits you might like to apply to yourself w/o fully accepting things you mightn't be too big on

  • May 23, 2020

    my ex was a libra and s*** was pretty f***ing spot on hahaha

  • May 23, 2020

    so from your experience of interpretation you believe in it?

    had a friend try to show me this and it is hard to dismiss there being these hard generalisations but it seemingly pairing up alright with whatever star sign you are

    well its hard because like you say theres not scentific reason for it to be correct, logically its bs

    buuut inputting your day, time of day and location into a natal chart i personally found that what it said was very much me

    for me it really changed becuase i had a friend who was really into it and she did a whole reading (it wasnt like i seeked it out myself) and without really knowing me she got alot of things about my personality i dont necessarily express

    but it really does need to be interpreted by a site or even better a real person

    anyway what im trying to say is try it out, its free, but dont be bound by it obviously, just see if it makes sense to you

  • bebacksoon πŸ›
    May 23, 2020

    Shout out to all my aquarians

    Lowkey air signs make the best music

  • May 23, 2020


  • bebacksoon πŸ›
    May 23, 2020

    sun: aquarius
    moon: leo
    rising: libra

  • May 23, 2020
    1 reply

    thats why we do natal charts not horoscopes,

    next time read what i write and study a bit before arguing

    generalised responses within subsets based on your birth date that turn out to be right for some reason