i said it shouldn't make sense but somehow it does
i agree theres no science to it or logc but for me it was interesting and somewhat true so i think it should be given a fair chance for each person
lmaooo but that actually stupid af, echo chambers always suck im happy to have a converation if we're all polit
lmaooo but that actually stupid af, echo chambers always suck im happy to have a converation if we're all polit
you seen the other astrology threads?
it'd be a s*** show rn if the title were any different
you seen the other astrology threads?
it'd be a s*** show rn if the title were any different
Can confirm
When u enter ur birth time exact and s*** shouldn't make sense but it does
We’re entering an eclipse cycle that will trigger a massive conflagration of change in our collective worldview – all of us are shifting into something different, and we hope – better. This is about more than just getting woke, however. If you’re already concerned about social justice, you’ll begin to notice people around you seeing the light in ways that you never expected. And if it’s something you don’t think much about, don’t be surprised when you feel the rumble in your belly, your sixth sense tingling – because you know it’s now time for you to join the fight.
Something is dying in order for a new world to be born, and birth is painful and exhausting. Why didn’t we wake up when Amadou Diallo was killed? Or Sean Bell? Or Walter Scott? Or Trayvon Martin? Or Tamir Rice? Or Sandra Bland? Or Eric Garner? Or Freddy Gray? Or Philando Castille? Or Oscar Grant? Or Mike Brown? Or Stephon Clark? Or Jordan Davis? Or Ahmaud Arbery? Or Breonna Taylor? Why has it taken until last week, until George Floyd became the martyr for our time?
We can thank the Saturn-Pluto conjunction from January for forcing us into such an excruciatingly intense crucible that we finally had to crack open and scream out in pain. We had to get to the point where we couldn’t take it anymore. Saturn (the law) conjuncts Pluto (death and loss) every thirty-three years, but these planetary heavyweights have not come together in Capricorn, the sign of governments and institutions, since the dawn of the American Revolution. For many years I believed that America’s Pluto Return would be about the end of white supremacy, the original sin of this country, built on the blood of the ancestors of our Black brothers and sisters. Since 2014, as Pluto in Capricorn inched closer to the final decan of Capricorn and we rose up in defiance of another needless death, then as Black Lives Matter was formed, I thought, here we go. But now I know it – HERE WE GO. We are ending this once and for all.
We’re entering an eclipse cycle that will trigger a massive conflagration of change in our collective worldview – all of us are shifting into something different, and we hope – better. This is about more than just getting woke, however. If you’re already concerned about social justice, you’ll begin to notice people around you seeing the light in ways that you never expected. And if it’s something you don’t think much about, don’t be surprised when you feel the rumble in your belly, your sixth sense tingling – because you know it’s now time for you to join the fight.
Something is dying in order for a new world to be born, and birth is painful and exhausting. Why didn’t we wake up when Amadou Diallo was killed? Or Sean Bell? Or Walter Scott? Or Trayvon Martin? Or Tamir Rice? Or Sandra Bland? Or Eric Garner? Or Freddy Gray? Or Philando Castille? Or Oscar Grant? Or Mike Brown? Or Stephon Clark? Or Jordan Davis? Or Ahmaud Arbery? Or Breonna Taylor? Why has it taken until last week, until George Floyd became the martyr for our time?
We can thank the Saturn-Pluto conjunction from January for forcing us into such an excruciatingly intense crucible that we finally had to crack open and scream out in pain. We had to get to the point where we couldn’t take it anymore. Saturn (the law) conjuncts Pluto (death and loss) every thirty-three years, but these planetary heavyweights have not come together in Capricorn, the sign of governments and institutions, since the dawn of the American Revolution. For many years I believed that America’s Pluto Return would be about the end of white supremacy, the original sin of this country, built on the blood of the ancestors of our Black brothers and sisters. Since 2014, as Pluto in Capricorn inched closer to the final decan of Capricorn and we rose up in defiance of another needless death, then as Black Lives Matter was formed, I thought, here we go. But now I know it – HERE WE GO. We are ending this once and for all.
lets get this mf boomin
aries sun
leo moon
pisces rising
Keep it quiet but I might be interested in astrology lol
download co-star. its an app that gives you advice everyday based on your entire chart, not just your sun sign like alotta horoscopes do. also gives u info on ur chart. really really cool app if you're on the fence about astrology
download co-star. its an app that gives you advice everyday based on your entire chart, not just your sun sign like alotta horoscopes do. also gives u info on ur chart. really really cool app if you're on the fence about astrology
I feel so corny asking my parents what time I was born
I feel so corny asking my parents what time I was born
eh they'll probably be happy you asked, it'll remind them of good times lol
Astrology bros someone riddle me this one...
So fun fact about me I was supposed to be born on March 22 making me an Aries but I was born four days earlier making me a Pisces (or a Pisces-Aries cusp if ur into that). I’ve literally just realized that most of my close friends throughout my life have been fire signs and On top of that, most people who have been into me, I’m talkin ever since I was a kid, have been fire signs
followed by earth, which is my preferred element for dating. Who can explain dis